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Joe Frickin' Friday




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The one flying the biplane has amazing skills (a lot of power helped, but still.....)

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Joe Frickin' Friday

Some crazy tornado footage.  First clip is from a couple of years ago, and the first 30 seconds or so is the most impressive part (nobody died):





And this clip from a couple of weeks ago, in which a building is simply erased:



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Joe Frickin' Friday

Wait, never mind tornadoes - how 'bout some frogs?




Good luck getting your phone back from these punks:



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4 hours ago, Joe Frickin' Friday said:

Some crazy tornado footage.  First clip is from a couple of years ago, and the first 30 seconds or so is the most impressive part (nobody died):





And this clip from a couple of weeks ago, in which a building is simply erased:



That’s my biggest fear when riding across open spaces in the west…. Encountering a nasty storm with nowhere to run for cover.  Does nit have to be a tornado….. just a nasty summer storm can be pretty scary

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Years ago while crossing Kansas we stopped at a diner for lunch. Beautiful day, I said to the waitress “where the heck are all the Tornados?” She did NOT think that was funny.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
10 minutes ago, RTinNC said:

That’s my biggest fear when riding across open spaces in the west…. Encountering a nasty storm with nowhere to run for cover.  Does nit have to be a tornado….. just a nasty summer storm can be pretty scary


24 years ago this month, I set out on a 3-week trip to CA and back.  I had only got about 100 miles from home when I got hit with a violent thunderstorm.  Hail started coming down, and I just managed to get stopped on the shoulder beneath an overpass.  Cars were cramming in behind me to get out of the hail (which had grown to golf-ball size), so I crept forward as far as I could.  I finally rolled forward far enough to where I was getting pelted on the arms, and boy that HURT.  I managed to roll back juuuust enough to get out of it.  


@Lone_RT_rider and @KDeline both remember the massive thunderstorm we (along with Kate) hit in South Dakota on the way to the '04 UnRally in Cody.  It was a burning hot day, and out to the west of us you could see a thunderstorm coming, but with an anvil cloud so tall and so broad that I don't think I've seen anything like it before or since.  Maybe not the brightest decision we ever made, but we all rode into it in spite of torrential rains, wind, and an awful lot of lightning.  Shawn and I got through it, but Ken and Kate were waylaid by a dead HES.  

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17 minutes ago, TEWKS said:

Years ago while crossing Kansas we stopped at a diner for lunch. Beautiful day, I said to the waitress “where the heck are all the Tornados?” She did NOT think that was funny.


That is funny.

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1 minute ago, Joe Frickin' Friday said:


24 years ago this month, I set out on a 3-week trip to CA and back.  I had only got about 100 miles from home when I got hit with a violent thunderstorm.  Hail started coming down, and I just managed to get stopped on the shoulder beneath an overpass.  Cars were cramming in behind me to get out of the hail (which had grown to golf-ball size), so I crept forward as far as I could.  I finally rolled forward far enough to where I was getting pelted on the arms, and boy that HURT.  I managed to roll back juuuust enough to get out of it.  



Twas riding home from work one day, it was storming.  My phone rang, so I hit the Sena to talk, it was my brother.  Anyway, as I's riding, I started getting pelted with hail,....doing the ouch-ouches.  My brother, knowing I was riding, asked what was going on.  I told him I'm riding through a hail storm.  He said you're not supposed to do that.  I pulled at a fuel farm and stopped, chatted a few, hung up, hail still coming down, said screw it, I ain't waiting for this to stop and continued on home,...only had about 20 minutes to finish the commute.  It was and still is the only time I stopped riding in a storm.

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6 minutes ago, Joe Frickin' Friday said:

@Lone_RT_rider and @KDeline both remember the massive thunderstorm we (along with Kate) hit in South Dakota on the way to the '04 UnRally in Cody.  It was a burning hot day, and out to the west of us you could see a thunderstorm coming, but with an anvil cloud so tall and so broad that I don't think I've seen anything like it before or since.  Maybe not the brightest decision we ever made, but we all rode into it in spite of torrential rains, wind, and an awful lot of lightning.  Shawn and I got through it, but Ken and Kate were waylaid by a dead HES.  


That day of riding started my fear of lightening.  That phobia was firmly planted in my brain after my ride to the 2009 Un-rally (for some reason I have not-so-found memories of Un-rallies) in New Hampshire.  I was riding through Pennsylvania on some expressway in the Poconos and it started to rain.  It didn't look that bad until a bolt of lightening struck about 200 feet in front of me in the median. I'm glad I was wearing earplugs.  It was early afternoon, but I called it good for the day and pulled off the road finding the closest hotel....


I abhor lightening.... :14:

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John Ranalletta
1 hour ago, RTinNC said:

That’s my biggest fear when riding across open spaces in the west…. Encountering a nasty storm with nowhere to run for cover.  Does nit have to be a tornado….. just a nasty summer storm can be pretty scary

Years ago, I flew to Denver, bought used '04 GS at Sun Honda and started the ride on rt 36 to Illinois in bright sun and cloudless skies.  As I crossed the KS border, the temp fell 10-15 deg and crosswinds started from the south. For the entire trip, the meet up of hot & cold air generated high winds and menacing clouds but no rain across my route though I could see lightning all around.  I'd planned to stop for the night but tornado warnings were forecast for my destination the next day; so, I rode on but never got wet thankfully.  I do remember being awakened by rumble strips on I72 between Hannibal, MO and Springfield, IL.  That was a thrill!

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8 minutes ago, John Ranalletta said:

,………..That was a thrill!

Yeah I’ve had my share of those “thrills” crossing the US. :4607:

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Joe Frickin' Friday
7 minutes ago, John Ranalletta said:

I do remember being awakened by rumble strips on I72 between Hannibal, MO and Springfield, IL.  That was a thrill!


During my parents' retirement, they were on the road quite a bit with a pickup truck and big ol' fifth-wheel trailer.  Dad did all the driving, which gave my mom the freedom to read, sight-see, or nap however she saw fit.  At one point she woke up from a nap and realized that Dad had fallen asleep at the wheel with cruise control engaged, and they were now hustling along in the unpaved grassy/lumpy highway median.  They got bounced around pretty good before Dad woke up and got the whole rig stopped. Lucky timing, as a little bit further on there was an underpass with separate bridges for each direction of the highway they were on; they would have launched into the air and crashed onto the road under the highway.

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Interesting list.  I try to avoid riding in any storms or the 10 biblical plagues.

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2 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

Well, Cicadas are 'bout to boom!!

Yes, just a little over 100 miles from you, we are listening to them for a week or so now.  We can add them to the list with the hail and frogs. 

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Just now, RandyShields said:

Yes, just a little over 100 miles from you, we are listening to them for a week or so now.  We can add them to the list with the hail and frogs. 


They are the wrong frequency for me, HFHL. 

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20 hours ago, Lone_RT_rider said:

It didn't look that bad until a bolt of lightening struck about 200 feet in front of me in the median. I'm glad I was wearing earplugs.  It was early afternoon, but I called it good for the day and pulled off the road finding the closest hotel....


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16 hours ago, RandyShields said:

Yes, just a little over 100 miles from you, we are listening to them for a week or so now.  We can add them to the list with the hail and frogs. 

The little critters are LOUD here....a neighbor has a decibel meter app on his phone and measured at the corner of my property 87.9 db!  I sat on my front deck wearing earplugs!

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1 hour ago, wbw6cos said:


 William, it looks like somebody is (rightfully) pissed off about having their HOA tell them they can't park their boat in the driveway.  :3:

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Joe Frickin' Friday

When this discussion board was established, did any of you imagine that someday people would race electric unicycles?  These guys truck along at pretty good speed.  I'm surprised there were no faceplants.



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"Enjoys the thrill of battle"....... ummmmmm, ok.  

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2 hours ago, Lone_RT_rider said:

"Enjoys the thrill of battle"....... ummmmmm, ok.  


References to battle in sports is stoopid,........carry on:grin:

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Not a happy one, but history worth remembering.


This one might tug at a tear. 



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9 hours ago, TEWKS said:

Not a happy one, but history worth remembering.



Nothing against what he's and they have done, but he's working his script pretty good.


I don't recall a single discussion a day prior or hours prior to going on any mission/patrol that we talked about "if we're gonna die".....those conversations were held while drinking months before.  Prior to missions, discussions weren't about missions, weren't about if I don't come back, weren't about if you don't come back, the discussions were about things you liked and hated----really didn't discuss much of family either.  Hell, going through the breach lanes as the first wave in the Gulf War ground offensive, in the back of the AAV, we were playing Uno while getting mortar fire dropped around us hearing the shrapnel hit the sides.  Or in Iraq, when the rockets flew over, we'd joke, "they're getting better, that was fairly close".......but everyone/unit is different.

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Ya but, that little girl’s tears weren’t scripted. :read: :classic_biggrin:


They who went willingly to eliminate the terrorists after 9/11 were badass MF’s in my book. Robert J. got the prize squeeze so he gets to boast a little more than most. ;) JMO obviously, military personnel may feel differently.  :dontknow:


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Alls I'm saying is that O'neil was the lucky guy in the stack, a target popped 'round and his training kicked in,....he didn't even know who he shot until confirmed,.....also the rest of the team ain't pimpin the hit.


You don't see much of the Delta guys pimping about yanking Saddam outta a hole. 


Sometimes, character is best left silent, if I recall, he volunteered himself to the press rather than remain a mystery.

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I kind of agree (from the sidelines) but man, that was a big one to keep quiet about. I’m not 100% but think he may have had some issues being in the spotlight over the years. Fame to his brain syndrome. But IDK, really. :dontknow:


If I ever get to pull somebody from a burning building I won’t talk about it, nope no way. Haha, yes I will till you guys tell me to SHUT the heck UP! :rofl:

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On 5/9/2024 at 10:09 PM, TEWKS said:



This one might tug at a tear. 



Sure did !!


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"Rider outside Starbucks service area"      Classic.

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16 hours ago, 9Mary7 said:


Interesting tidbits about the 1300GS that a lot of other reviews haven't focused on.  Loved the sandbag in the design studio reference.

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Speaking of adventure bikes:




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Nice review and highlights some of the reasons I’m not running out to buy one. 

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20 minutes ago, RTinNC said:

Nice review and highlights some of the reasons I’m not running out to buy one. 

His parting shot re: cost is masterful!

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1 hour ago, 9Mary7 said:

His parting shot re: cost is masterful!

Yeah …. I’ve never ever seen a base model 

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11 hours ago, RTinNC said:

I’ve never ever seen a base model 

I worked at a dealer for 3 years and still haven't seen one:dontknow:

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On 5/12/2024 at 5:00 AM, RTinNC said:

Nice review and highlights some of the reasons I’m not running out to buy one. 


Another brilliant review! :jaw:

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Excuse me, pardon me, GET THE ….. OUT OF THE WAY! :rofl: At that point I would have moved the car with the bumper.



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See, now they ^ missed a save because of that stupid driver. :spittake: Don’t know the details but those rescuers deserve recognition! :thumbsup: Hope they got something for their efforts! :clap:



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It is getting a little dusty in here.  *sniff, sniff*

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Those are harddogs!!!!(that's a compliment if you don't know).  Some intense heat coming outta that thing and they stayed in to the end.

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2 hours ago, Rougarou said:

Some intense heat coming outta that thing and they stayed in to the end.

Yes, I would be really surprised if they didn’t suffer some burns and when that tire exploded, they regrouped and went back in! :yes: I’ve seen a fully geared up firefighter run away from a lesser explosion than that. He may have a new profession today. :whistle:

They all should of received 



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Chief MAKOi explains the NTSB report on the ship into Baltimore bridge.



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You scream, I scream, we all scream...



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