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    We'd like to thank all the Members listed who have helped "Keep The Lights On"  .  Technology is great but not cheap.


    As long time Members know, we are a completely donation supported Forum.  If you haven't in the past, you might consider donating a small sum.  Just look for the PayPal Donations button like the one below located at the bottom of the Forums page.


    But why wait?  Use the one on this page now ! 


    Once again a big :18: to all who have donated past, present and future 



    I'll blame burnout from years of software engineering but, I am doing a good job of updating donations in a timely manner. Contact me if you feel the need.


  • Members Who Donated in 2024

    • Krid
    • rogera
    • wbw6cos
    • AnotherLee
    • ThomasKennedy
    • narcosis
    • taylor1
    • BamaJohn
    • TSCConver
    • Mark Mayhew
    • RandyShields
    • msscull
    • Mike the Ghoul
    • Lowndes
    • Hank in WV
    • Rinkydink
    • Randy
    • R Stevens
    • R65_Steve
    • Shane J.
    • Ranalletta
    • Tank
    • Skywagon
    • DaveTheAffable
    • don v
    • Boxflyer
    • Norm 88
    • Konacyclist
    • Bernie
    • duckhawk64
    • MachineJoe
    • Old School
    • lawnchairboy
    • duckhawk64
    • P.Lurcockj
    • Dave_in_TX
    • lukaspriest
    • Traveler1
    • Mitch Triumphant
    • Jim K
    • rogera
    • Lone_RT_rider
    • diggity
    • kpax
    • Stresspuppy



    Members Who Donated in 2023

    • narcosis
    •  wbw6cos
    • taylor1
    • BamaJohn
    • AnotherLee
    • Indy Dave / Rougarou
    • rogera
    • S.M. Goulding
    • Skywagon +
    • OWA
    • dragonstale67
    • man1nvan
    • Rinkydink
    • Brunhilde
    • Yuro
    • Scoobisteve
    • Traveler
    • Brunhilde
    • Bill Murray
    • Strataj
    • Hank in WV
    • Jim K
    • C_Williams
    • Rhino
    • waynerd
    • Rob Nowell
    • LBump / Rougarou
    • mnTwin / Rougarou
    • Tank
    • Red
    • R Nathan
    • BrianT
    • Krid
    • TSConver



    Members Who Donated in 2022

    • wbw6cos
    • Bud
    • F Hoyt
    • Indy Dave
    • P Ruffell
    • AnotherLee
    • Bitter Printer
    • BamaJohn
    • NRV-RT
    • Stir
    • VaR1200R
    • rogera
    • Rinkydink
    • IndyAndy
    • BamaJohn
    • gsgar
    • Traveler1
    • ucwinters
    • Ruth Ranalletta
    • Lowndes
    • Michael Stock
    • TEWKS
    • RandyShields
    • DART 2022 Participants
    • WERKS Parts LLC
    • Rotor
    • Robert Nowell
    • Whip
    • Skywagon
    • Peter C
    • Jim K
    • RT Russ
    • BrianT
    • EyeBike528
    • MachineJoe
    • M. Barksdale
    • Kilrush R1150RT
    • rounder jim
    • narcosis


    Members Who Donated in 2021


    • Another lee
    • wbw6cos
    • BamaJohn
    • Rockosmith
    • Azgman
    • LBump
    • Bud
    • gottago
    • Lone_RT_rider
    • Bernie
    • Robert Nowell
    • AZgman
    • Michael Cassidy
    • Emil Mitev
    • Brunhilde
    • mnTwin
    • Wendy Catlin
    • Paul6585
    • Tank
    • Heck
    • Upright
    • Gary Reynolds
    • RealShelby
    • Donald Dixon
    • BF204
    • Jim K
    • Rinkydink
    • Traveler1
    • Mike
    • Rougarou
    • lawnchairboy
    • S M Goulding
    • Jerry Dockery
    • Mike05
    • RT_Shopper
    • John Ranalletta
    • konacyclist
    • Bumwah
    • BrianT
    • ESokoloff
    • MachineJoe
    • taylor1
  • Members Who Donated in 2020


    • The Italian Job (Francois_Dumas)
    • Stir
    • BamaJohn
    • Gar & Nancy
    • Lowndes
    • mnTwin
    • lawnchairboy
    • rogera
    • KevinH
    • AnotherLee
    • RPondaRoad
    • oldie
    • AZgman
    • David Bright
    • TheDigginDutchman
    • Wendy Catlin
    • Groanup
    • Mbelectric
    • rogera
    • mrduck
    • Redman
    • LBump
    • Logistic
    • Bob Guffant
    • Longjohn
    • Paul Ruffell
    • MachineJoe
    • 041100S
    • 9Mary7
    • BrianT
    • narcosis


    Members Who Donated in 2019

    • Whip
    • Chris_Olson
    • 041100S
    • Indy Dave
    • BobW03
    • rogera
    • LBump
    • simskid
    • Traveler1
    • mnTwin
    • mbelectric
    • stir
    • lawnchairboy
    • MBBeemer
    • Tank
    • wbw6cos
    • Miguel!
    • Heck
    • Ken S
    • Havasu Dave
    • Mike
    • paul dennis
    • KTM Doug
    • John Ranalletta
    • Claudio
    • JohnLT
    • Jim K
    • MikeRC
    • Bud
    • Endobobdds
    • gottago
    • RandyShields
    • Robert Mitchell
    • Tank
    • Rockosmith
    • mt65804
    • Levandowski - Ranalletta
    • mrzoom
    • barryNmarin
    • christianf
    • drswift
    • BrianT
    • Peter C
    • Rinkydink
    • Indy Scott
    • Bob Guffanti
    • Charlie P
    • AZgman
    • bimmer2
    • MachineJoe
    • Miguel!
    • narcosis
    • bimmer2
    • wbw6cos
  • Donations

    Help Us Keep The Lights On
    We exist solely on Donations. The button takes you directly to PayPal. You don't need a PayPal account to make a Donation.
    If you wish your Donation to be anonymous, PM any of the Staff or add note on PayPal
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