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Idiot couple from Florida in N.Georgia on R1200RT this weekend.


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I do not cross the double-yellow line but I will pass bikes in such a marked zone, sometimes riding that line. I hang off their rear for a while and see if they notice me and wave me by. Results are maybe 50%. Higher with touring bikes and lower with cruisers. If they don't see me or ignore me then I try for a smooth pass with reasonable closing speed to reduce any surprise. It is VERY rare that a rider expresses displeasure at that and, to stereotype, it is always a rider in a pack of cruisers.


I myself make an effort to notice and wave by faster bikes, as I move right. I am probably middle-of-the-RT-pack on pace and way slower than serious sporters who chase me up, say, Angeles Crest Highway.


Passing zones are designed for cars and not our higher-performance vehicles. Yes, I trust my judgement more than the highway engineers. No, I don't pass in or into a blind turn. I don't expect bikes to use turnouts for me. That's just not necessary. There is plenty of room for a safe pass if the other rider just shades to the right a little. You may disagree.

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I am the "idiot rider" you are speaking about. And I guess you are the "idiot" I have to negotiate around every day when I am out riding.

I happen to live in NC even though one of my bikes has an FL tag. For you to make pronouncements about my riding based on my FL tag is a sign of your ignorance. It so happens I ride these roads week in and week out. Every last one of them. 180, 60, 129, 68, 28, 76, 348, Cherohala, Dragon, and plenty more.

I am not going to say much more other than - what you should do is mind your own business and ride your own ride and stop minding my business. Maybe try being a bit more polite as well. Don't say things in print you wouldn't say to someone's face. Ride safe.



Google translate:


"It's my road and the vehicle code and common courtesy only apply to others, not to me."

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The definition of ignorance is not understanding that when someone does something wrong, it is the business of all citizens.

This is why all criminal complaints are brought in the name of ...

"The People ..."

Being polite is admitting when you make a mistake, as defined by what other people interpret, and apologizing. And adjusting your behavior to conform to what "polite" society defines as polite.


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I find it amusing how many here will admit to having passed on the double yellow in their posts, only to then pass judgement in the very next sentence on the "idiot from Florida" for doing just that. So I guess its OK for THEM to do it, but if its done by someone else its a sin...

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With all due deference to Cornerman, I am the true and original idiot on this board. Anyone who remembers the "Three Idiots" thread after Gunnison #1 will attest that this is so. Moi, David, Tom Roe. We are the real idiots. Anyone else is just a pretender. Check the avatar, that's us.


So watch out Cornerman (or Blair Witch, or whomever you are). My wife and I are going to pass you on the right sometime real soon, we promise to wag a stern finger your way, right after we wave...


BTW, choosing a public board to have a private conversation just ain't cool. I'm with Tallman, again.

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Let's keep private things private.

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What exactly is that supposed to mean? Is it meant to be a threat?


It seems like there is a very peach-like (easily bruised) ego involved.


The original poster has a right to his opinion on your riding style, and you have a right to defend yourself.


However, if anyone who thinks differently than you do is a threat to your peachy ego, you should rethink your lifestyle perhaps?


And welcome to the board. :wave:

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Last time I was up in that neck of the woods at this time of year, a good deal of the foliage was gone from the trees and sight lines around and through curves were pretty good. A good rider who is aware of this can take advantage of passing opportunities that would not be available in late Spring or Summer.


I really fail to see what all the fuss is about. No one crashed, no one got hurt.


I'm of the opinion that pass or not to pass is up to the individual rider and his assessment of the risks involved. Anyone who has ridden FL 70 across the state knows that the double yellow can be arbitrarily placed and, while it is unlawful to cross it, necessity or my personal safety will trump my fear of a mere traffic ticket.

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