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It was an interesting weekend


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As some of you may know, Lisa and I have been expecting our first child, due to arrive on September 4th.


We've spent the last few months preparing the nursery, and all of the other usual stuff.


This weekend was going to be our last bit of fun before we buckle down and go on high alert.


Saturday morning, I set out on the dualsports with Steve Bearden and a friend from work. The plan was to hit Palomar Divide road (see my previous Ride Tale ) to give Steve a taste of dualsporting fun with him on Lisa's DR200.


Here's a shot of a big guy on a little bike. Steve did really well, especially considering he's got zero dirt experience. He blazed through a big sand wash like he was Mouse McCoy.




Meanwhile, Lisa met up with PJ Bearden to go hit the nail salon and some lunch.


Afterwards, we went out to a nice dinner. We got home, Lisa put her purse down, and then "uuhhhh....I think my water just broke."


20 minutes and a call to the doctor later we were on the way to Fallbrook Hospital.


Here's Lisa just after we were admitted...wired up to an IV, blood pressure monitor, fetal monitor, etc.



The baby has been breach for a month or so, and we knew that if he still was, that would mean an automatic C-section. Ultrasound confirmed he was still breach. But, since she wasn't having contractions and the baby's heart rate was really strong and regular, we opted to wait until morning so they wouldn't be doing the surgery on a full stomach.


After an uncomfortable but uneventful night, they did the C-section first thing in the morning


So...without further ado:

Steven James Bynum was born on 8/10/08 at 08:52am.

He weighed 6lbs 0oz and was 18.5" long.


This is about 20 minutes after he was born.



Lisa's got the usual post-Cesarean pains but is otherwise doing fantastic. Steven's doing very well, too. They're still in the hospital but will likely come home tomorrow....which is great since that'll give him some time to get settled before his first MotoGP race on Sunday. :grin:


I'm doing fine. Since Lisa can't really lift anything right now, I'm on diaper duty, and it's my job to pick Steven up and plug him in when it's feeding time. That means I'm up every 2-3 hours, but it's no big deal really. It won't be too much fun when I go back to work, but right now we can pretty much sleep in so I don't feel particularly tired.


Here's some additional pictures for those inclined to Ooh and Ahh.


What a day I'm having!



Keep that blue thing away from me and nobody gets hurt.



Chow time



Sitting with Dad watching the Olypmics. (OK, Dad was watching the Olympics, he mostly burped all the way through it.)



Chillin' in his crib.




Lisa and I would like to send a HUGE Thank You to Steve and PJ Bearden. They've been up at the hospital visiting every day, they stop by the house twice a day to feed the dog and the cats, and if we need something, they're on it.


Anyone know where we can find a good used CRF50? :thumbsup:

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Sitting with Dad watching the Olypmics. (OK, Dad was watching the Olympics, he mostly burped all the way through it.)

Oh no... I hope he doesn't turn out to be cynical.


Congratulations Russell!

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Lisa's got the usual post-Cesarean pains.


:grin: And just what would you know about post-Cesarean pains???.. :grin: :grin:


Congrats to all three of you guys...!!!... :clap: :clap:


In less that one year you won't even be able to remember what life was like before Steven!! :eek:

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Lisa's got the usual post-Cesarean pains.


:grin: And just what would you know about post-Cesarean pains???.. :grin: :grin:


I've had open surgery on my shoulder, so I've got some idea what a big open incision is like. Plus, I read about it on the intarwebs, so that makes me an expert. :)



In less that one year you won't even be able to remember what life was like before Steven!! :eek:


Everyone says that. It doesn't make any sense to me, but we'll see. Circle back in a year and we'll see. :Cool:

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Dave McReynolds

Congratulations, Russell! I'm in the next generation up, just waiting to usher in my 6th grandchild, all within the last 2 years, in about a month. Must say, it's a lot less stress and more fun to usher in the grandchildren than it was the children. For example, our tradition on the night after the birth of a grandchild is to go out with the inlaws to a nice restaurant and celebrate with a great meal and a few bottles of wine. Can't say that I was able to do that when the the children were born. Oh well, your time for that will come too, God willing.

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Awww.... look at that cute little Mac user....


He spits up on himself, drools, and can't control his bowels...yep, sounds like a typical Mac user to me.


Sorry pal...you walked right into that one. :thumbsup:

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an overused word appropriate here:







having a single malt in celebration.



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Congratulations to the whole family.

Big changes will be wrought by the little dude.




Best wishes to all.

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It's a good thing you have dirt riding experience.

The next couple of decades are going to be one of your bumpiest and most rewarding rides of your life. :clap::clap:

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He looks like you do when you are pondering that next bike decision.


Hey Congrats!!!!


I think this may be next in the stable...


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I had no idea!


Congrats you two, now three! FANTASTIC


mAN..o..mAN...dat's my line too - Daaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnng, ya miss one Torrey and B A M all sorts of lil' things happen.


C O N G R A T 'S to you RB & LB...fantastico..!


Wow I am in shock - happily in shock - but shock nonetheless.. WOW

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I thought he was supposed to have a Ducati for his first bike! But more importantly, when will he have his first Torrey?





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That's great news.

Now we can sit around together and read of everybody else going on these fantastic rides.


Just kidding.

You can ride for about 3 more years and when he is old enough to realize you are putting on your super suit and leaving that's when he'll say " don't go Daddy don't go "


I only wish I was kidding..

It' was still worth it.


Congrats again.. You guys will be great parents..


Ps... Beat him early and often.. and make him eat spam..

That will make a Marine out of him.

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That's great news.

Now we can sit around together and read of everybody else going on these fantastic rides.


Just kidding.

You can ride for about 3 more years and when he is old enough to realize you are putting on your super suit and leaving that's when he'll say " don't go Daddy don't go "


I only wish I was kidding..

It' was still worth it.


Ps... Beat him early and often.. and make him eat spam..

That will make a Marine out of him.


All true stuff, and I wouldn't have it any differently.

Plus, when you're ready, I have some street riding gear for the wee man.



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Wheels Rollin'

What a beautiful child, Russell <>... Heartfelt congratulations to you and Lisa on his birth... Timing is everything, and from the sounds of it, the 'timing gods' were in your corner -- better a wee bit early than late <>... I wish you both every joy in the days ahead -- and a 'was he really two', fast-forward through the 'terrible twos' <>... Heck -- maybe you can just avoid 'em all together <>...


So, uh... help me solve an eternal mystery, though, would ya'? How is it something so precious and sweet could produce a diaper so... well... uh... you'll find out... Get back to me on that, OK? <>...


~ Bill

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Great news Russ and Lisa.


Got the crf50 thing covered:




Only thing is, it's a 125 now with a real clutch. I'm sure he'll be up to the task.


By the way does this mean he'll be making his first trip to Torrey at age 6 weeks?? :grin:

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Congrats you two!!! :clap::clap::clap:

... time to get settled before his first MotoGP race on Sunday. :grin:


Now your talking. I think it is the only way us U.S. based fans can take over the U.S.: Keep making more fans!




Sitting with Dad watching the Olypmics. (OK, Dad was watching the Olympics, he mostly burped all the way through it.)


Are you sure you're not using him for cover like you used to with "The Dog?"


Congrats again Y'all.

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Congrats you three.


Note the time of this post. Feel lucky you only got one. Trust me on that one. :)


Good to know your kid is 7 weeks younger that the twins. Stupid TV writers strike...

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