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Leadership Adjustment


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Just a quick note to you fine discussion board members. A kind moderator reminded me that to some extent I have failed in my leadership around here from time to time, and he's right. Yeah, it's just a damn motorcycle discussion board, but it does provide a lot of information and entertainment for thousands around the world. So I do take it seriously.


In other words, my job is to be entrusted with the leadership of the place, and I understand that role. I don't think you'll find that I've (often, anyway) abused that privilege or pulled rank or anything like that. Yes, I've clearly put my "stamp" on the place but even if you disagree with what that stamp says, I think you'd agree that it's been motivated by a desire to do what's right for the group. Even if your view of "what's right for the group" is different from ours.


Having said that, I've been impatient, adversarial, and too emotional on several occasions. Telling someone to love it or leave is exactly how I feel, so expressing that is honest, but it's not all that helpful, and it's really poor leadership on my part. tongue.gifdopeslap.gif


I do get quite weary of the few who seem to relish in pressing the boundaries, pissing us off, and just being plain contrary. I don't think they really understand how much work goes into it and how difficult some decisions are. And in fact you'll find that some guidelines are designed simply to make the admin/mods jobs easier. There's really no way around that, either, I suspect.


Do you want the board to be a different place? I understand that and respect it. But after you've provided your feedback and made sure you're heard, accept it and enjoy it or do the same thing I'm going to do a little better from now on, hopefully: be a bit more patient and less adversarial.


This is not meant to look for kind thanks. We get a lot of that already. It's meant as a pure and simple mea culpa on my part. I can do a better job of managing this place. Thank God there are good moderators who help provide a balancing perspective.

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Just gimme a name and I'm gonna call my cousin Guido to take care o 'dis. smirk.gif


You've got nothing to apologize for in my book, but you knew that. Hey, it's a lot of work, folks. It takes vision, ability, resources, love...a LOT of love, then you have to repel the nay-sayers who fill your e-mail box when things aren't going their way. How to please thousands, and who to do it?


You 'da man.


I thought your kahonas were made of brass just for taking this little project on. Posting that you are open to feedback to better this place? You just demonstrated that they're made of iron.

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Very impressive!


Thank God there are good moderators who help provide a balancing perspective.


Bravo! And thanks to the members who bitch, er I mean make many well meaning, helpful suggestions because they care, not because they think you stink. grin.gif


kum ba yah la la, kum ba yah! clap.gif


I'm kinda weepy bncry.gif

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I thought your kahonas were made of brass just for taking this little project on. Posting that you are open to feedback to better this place? You just demonstrated that they're made of iron.


I think I am going to go with titanium. Or, as they say in the auto biz...... unobtanium. They don't make a metal that can come up to the strength of both resolve and humbleness.


David, your human and humans have passion for the things they believe in (Except for Mitch, I liken him to Mr. Spock grin.gif). Nobody can fault you for wanting to do the right thing and to express that in an open and outright fasion. That being said, it takes an incredible person to look inward and know when it's time to work on a few things to make them just a little better. Self betterment is what keeps us as a species from falling off the face of the earth. It's something I have tried to practice my whole life and I hope I never quit trying. I applaud you sir, it takes a real man to stand up and say when he feels needs to work on something.



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I just wanted to say thanks for keeping this board alive and maintaining at least one place on the internet were useful civilized discussion can take place.

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My dear Mr. Baker,

You do a great job so don’t sweat the small stuff. It is a huge task and certainly not one that most folks are up to, the responsibility of dealing with such a wide range of personalities is too much for most. I really do not know how you cope with so many of the situations.


I am amused with some and annoyed by others. Managing this board is certainly not for the faint of heart or for someone who cannot exercise some discipline at times.


You have three types of decisions to make

The good decision

The bad decision

The best decision


When I’ve sorted out the facts I hope I’ve always hoped I make the best one.


Keep on trucking, you’re fine, as is the Board.


Hey, maybe we’ll see you in November. I got some roads for you.

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You never gave me the impression that you thought you “Walked on Water” from reading your posts. Emotion is an important factor of man kind, and to be passionate about something you care about is a good thing. What you have done for the riding community is much appreciated by many I am sure.


Being adversarial can be a good thing in a leader, if he believes in his position. Making people think about what they write on this board is important. The last thing I would like to see is this board becoming is a Politically Correct forum at all times. Don’t loose your passion and emotions what ever you do; we will all be worse off if this happens.


So what if some of you posts do not come off as PC, as some think they should. Others may need to look more inward at them selves rather than pointing their finger at someone else. We all can be more tolerant, but let’s not loose our passion for the things we choose to love and enjoy thumbsup.gif

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I've been impatient, adversarial, and too emotional on several occasions. Telling someone to love it or leave is exactly how I feel, so expressing that is honest, but it's not all that helpful


It's a free country (at least currently), so I pretty much think as you have commented before, if one does not like things....change the channel or start their own site.


While you are apologizing bncry.gif for this bad service provided, how about giving everyone a free year of membership as a show of good faith.

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The hardest part of running something like this is that not everyone has

met you. Therefore, we can't always know where you come from when you type

at the keyboard. But as far as I'm concerned, I think you're more than fair

and when something's needed explaining or it might have been interpreted

incorrectly, you've come back and addressed it again.


When I feel like I need a different environment, I go elsewhere. The one thing

I like about here is that things are kept pretty much on an even keel--and I

like that.


My only complaint is that the db goes off-line around 2344 PDT. Almost always

in the middle of a great post smile.gif



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Just a quick note to you fine discussion board members. A kind moderator reminded me that to some extent I have failed in my leadership around here from time to time, and he's right.
Yeah, especially about the "to some extent" part. You didn't check the percentages, did you?

Now, get back to work and keep it up. This place is Heaven on the Internet, and I believe you're to blame for that!

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It takes a big man to cry, and it takes a bigger man to make that man cry! grin.gifgrin.gif


That being said, just keep on keepin' on, David. This is a fine site due to your tireless efforts, and those of the mods.




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This site, my email account, and Yahoo news are the only sites I check EVERY time I'm on the 'net. So take that as an "evaluation" of how I feel about things around here!

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I don't have enough experience on this board to have a valid opinion, but from the sound of the post, here's a quote from a guy who does:


"It's not the critic who counts,

Not the man who points out where the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena,

Whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood,

Who strives valiently, who errs and comes up short again and again...

But who knows the great enthusiasms!

The great devotions,

Who spends himself for a worthy cause,

Who, at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement,

And who, at the worst, if he fails, fails while doing greatly,

So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls

who knew neither victory or defeat."


Teddy Roosevelt


Ok, maybe a bit much for this situation but I like the heck outta it and there may be a kernal of application from one leader (TR) to another.


This is one of the best boards on the web...keep it up!



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David, you said you don't want the thanks now, so this is not the THANKYOU note I should write.

Just a reminder that this website is YOURS. YOU do in it whatever you want. If you were lucky enough to scare half the current members away, it might be less work for you and the appreciated moderators. But you are not going to do that. You are too good at doing what you do and too good a guy. Anyways, if you manage to scare 90% away, I'll be in the remaining 10%.

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David, you said you don't want the thanks now, so this is not the THANKYOU note I should write.

Just a reminder that this website is YOURS. YOU do in it whatever you want. If you were lucky enough to scare half the current members away, it might be less work for you and the appreciated moderators. But you are not going to do that. You are too good at doing what you do and too good a guy. Anyways, if you manage to scare 90% away, I'll be in the remaining 10%.


EXACTLY! thumbsup.gif


And may I add that you are human, and have every right to voice your opinion when you feel the need!


If I, or anyone else, is out of line, there is no reason why you shouldn't say so. Many others with less tact than you do all the time.


Jim cool.gif

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Just a quick note to you fine discussion board members. A kind moderator reminded me that to some extent I have failed in my leadership around here from time to time, and he's right.


Does this mean that the little wavy guy will come back clap.gifclap.gif


With the exception of him I think you are doing an outstanding job David thumbsup.gif

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What was it my old pappy used to say? You can please all of the people some of the time OR you can please some of the people all of the time, but you'll never please all of the people all of the time.

I know, we have all heard this.

In conclusion, I have seen worse and may have seen better, however, I would have to think long and hard to remember when or where. Just keep it going and don't look back. Some of the things I have read in BMW/ON and MCN have really torqued me off in the last six months. Nothing here has even come close.

Kudos and BRAVO!!!!!

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Kudos for self-criticism; whether deserved or not, self-critique aides evolution, of a person, of a leader.

My ex-wife would say that you must've been a woman in prior life, to have such an intelligent attitude.

Adios, Wooster (who is trying real hard to evolve)

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'Twer me, and I am very glad it is not, I wouldn't go fixin' what ain't broke.


Get a little testy now and then? Welcome to the human race.

Wish you could just chuck it and go ride? Thanks for the dedication.


I wake up to this place every morning I have internet access. I kinda like it around here. I think its unique in cyberspace in the level of civility and certainly in the level of support from its members to and for each other.


We'll let you know if we think you're doing a bad job.



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Mr. Baker, true leaders are ALSO participants -- it is how they keep from losing touch with reality. Do YOUR thing YOUR way. True leaders AND participants demonstrate sincerity, passion, and commitment. Your MOST important role is as a catalyst, and that, sir, you are in spades. Again, do YOUR thing YOUR way. I shudder when leaders try to fit themselves into molds; visionaries never do. If you think that being a leader means you stop sharing how you feel and when you feel it, then something is really wrong. I think your biggest concern or fear is not exercising undue influence. To that I say, "Look around you; your concern is unfounded; there isn't a weenie in the bunch". It takes courage to lead; it takes more courage to lead your own way. That may make you unpopular with some, but respected and beloved by so many more.

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Yeeha! Stephen
'Twer me, and I am very glad it is not, I wouldn't go fixin' what ain't broke.





Sometimes, me thinks... Me n' Ed are Twin Sons of Different Mothers. blush.gif


What he said and I add... "I like things just the way they are."


Thank you very much.

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OK, I won't give my kind thanks. But they're there anyway. smile.gif


You and your busy crew of Admins and Mods are a whole lot more patient than I! I'd likely be whacking deliberate contrarians in the head until they learned to get along. wink.gif Aside from wanting the small percentage of "difficult members" to take their dang ball and go home, I can't say I've wished for, or thought about, any changes.


I like it here. I like the people I've become so-much-more-than-friends with here. I don't think there's any other DB out there that comes close to being as top-shelf as this one.

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Do you want the board to be a different place?


Not on your life!


Last year when I was looking for a new bike I spent about a month lurking on several boards, this one included. The intelligence and mature conduct I found here helped to separate the RT from the other bikes I was considering. Part of that is probably due to the type of person who's attracted to BMW, but certainly a lot of it is the way you manage this board. You expect us to have a higher level of discourse than is typically found online, and largely because of that, we do. Thanks! And keep on, keepin' on.



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It's been almost a year since I started with this DB. I've not been involved with any other DBs and would not have checked this one out unless I happened to bump into one of the members while riding in California. He suggested I might enjoy reading about bikes and stuff during the long cold winters. So I did and did. I also checked out a few others of related M/C interest but this one clearly suited my taste much better than the others--mostly an effect of the civility, good humor, and obvious wealth of experience many members were happy to share.


I have no concept of the work involved in managing this board, but am grateful that someone is doing it, and that "someone" seems to manifest those things I've found attractive here--civility, humor, tolerance, and expertise. So take credit where it's due and please don't apologize for being a real person.



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Dennis Andress



When I was 10 my mother taught me how to make candy. All the recipes started with boiling water and sugar together until they reached some incredible temperature. Mom's instructions were "Stir, don't stop." I never have to this day. If there is a disparaging comment to be made I've got it. I'm pretty sure I've sent a couple of them your way recently. It's time I stopped.


I like this place. I'm not one to hide behind a title or some nickname. This is the only DB I'm aware of where I can comfortably use my real name. That's a pretty good reflection of how you are doing your job.



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David, just a personal note of thanks for keeping this board a very good place to be and to gather or exchange information. I sometimes wish that we could find more new topics to discuss -- something beyond how to check oil levels, what spark plugs are best, curing surge, and so forth -- but let's face it; it's just a motorcycle and possibilities are finite!


Re your moderation: Aside from one or two positions that are (to be delicate) curious -- linked brakes being one blush.gif -- I find your restraint admirable and, on occasion, approaching the heroic.


Perhaps every Wednesday should be "Howard Stern Day," when you are allowed to tell us how you REALLY feel?

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One of the toughest parts of being any type of "manager" is finding that fine line that keeps everything knitted together.

I learned over the years that not everyone can be happy or have what they want all of the time. The role of the manager is to show empathy and concern and to ensure that all are treated equal without prejudice while getting the job done.

We don't enjoy that luxury of being able to piss people off because they don't agree with us....at least not if you want to be a successful manager.


Learning how to efectively get the work done through the efforts of others is our key role, and MOTIVATING them to want to do it is our objective.


So I always remembered as a Chief Officer to treat my men with respect, be there to listen to their concerns and then offer my opinion.

I earned their respect by practicing these virtues and

more times than not this was all that was needed to resolve "ANY" problem.


You don't have to be loved but you damn well better be respected.


This site offers an awful lot to everyone. Try remembering that you should treat others as you would want to be treated and it will come back to you tenfold in the end!

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Eat Ca Ca, you half-airplane lover. What makes you think that you're so mistaken in your expressions? Did you give up being human, HU-MAN?


If humanity, feelings, falling into moments and living them - rather than remaining ever abstract - is not part of Leadership, then I don't want the alternative. Your Balance of that? I can find no fault there. You have. But, what do you know?


Besides, David, you're just getting older... and Grumpy. Like me. smile.gif


Best wishes. For continued Success.

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What all the above said.

Plus, I have no use for a whimpy leader, whatever your faults (That's assuming you do have one), you are not a whimpy leader.


You are the leader? grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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This is silly: you have done fine and the majority of us will attest to that. Whoever isn't happy wilh you needs to ride more and get a life. They are probably the kind of person who could do a doctoral dissertation on a road apple. I've been here over three years and am still thrilled with it. Gimme a break!

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In both my personal life and my career I have found that no matter how hard you may work and plan something, there will be some people that are never happy with how it is done. You will find that those people are full of comments about how it could be better, etc. but those people are never the ones to put themselves out for others in an effort to make things better. David, I know that you spend a lot of time and give a lot of yourself to this board. Just think of all the things you could enjoy if you did not have to look after the board. You have done a good job and others can only hope to be as serving as you have been, keep up the good work.

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You also have to shoot from your heart and you do that, especially with your helpful approach to improving everyones riding skills and experiences. You're definately on the right track.

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Hmmmmm.... I've read your post a few times and am still trying to figure out what you've done wrong.....


You DID manage to make these forums number 2 on my list of daily checks (my own forums will remain #1 of course, same responsibilities you mention wink.gif ), so it must be terrible !!! grin.gifgrin.gif


In general the visitors on your forums are very serious (but hilareous at times), without becoming over-zealous, and they seem to pretty much 'regulate' themselves.


Just continue whatever it was you were doing... it works just fine thumbsup.gif

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Calvin  (no socks)

This place is sharp, not filled with poison. I stray from this site only on occasion. At other places the venom is strong, and I stay away, you can feel it, over the entire site. Thanks isn't good enough to express my thoughts. Screw up just one more time and yer outta here! Thanks. dopeslap.gif

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"You never gave me the impression that you thought you “Walked on Water” from reading your posts."

Ankle deep perhaps, but not truely on top of the water!! wink.gif

David, while it is easy to pay you complements it is just as easy to agree or disagree with you. That is the great part of the board, your personality and your opinions generally surface somewhere along the line, even in the approach people make when you are not involved in the discussion. That is Leadership. You set the bar, people respond accordingly. The board provides lively discussions from differing points of view and without really seeing the person, one doesn't know whether they are taking that point for entertainment or not. You have done a great job with the moderators of keeping these discussions clean and civil. You have also done a great job with the board taking it to the next level.

You bought this board, it should be stamped with your personality, however sincere, honest, pompous, abrasive or entertaining people percieve it to be. It is what it is and it works and should be kept the same.

Get over it, it is not easy being you, we all realize that and this "Mea Culpa" crap is out of character for your personality, Get past it quickly !! thumbsup.gif

Aside from that it gives us something to talk about when we get together!! clap.gif

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Dang! I must have missed some really good stuff. What with multiple hurricanes, training classes, a threatened strike at work, I've only had time to read a few posts a day. Can some one post links to the really nasty stuff so I can catch up? Just kidding!


This place is run smooth as a Swiss watch.

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Dang! I must have missed some really good stuff. What with multiple hurricanes, training classes, a threatened strike at work, I've only had time to read a few posts a day. Can some one post links to the really nasty stuff so I can catch up?


No big blowup. Just a few responses to people (on my part) where my frustration took over. I still see us running the place with a fairly definitive hand--just a bit kinder and more patient.


To the rest of you, thanks for the kind remarks and the many humorous lines in here. I've been smirking quite a bit! smile.gif I do know this is a good place and it's taught me a lot about myself and people and the internet. I suspect it's given Cary Littell a bunch of headaches, too, assuuming my voodoo doll in his image has functioned properly when sticking needles in it! grin.gif

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'Perfect' is the enemy of 'done'. At this stage of your life you need to relish your accomplishments. Take comfort in knowing that IF you had any deficiencies in your personality that caused you sufficient pain to merit correction, you would have done it by now.


Those I know don't hang around with perfect people.

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I do know this is a good place and it's taught me a lot about myself and people and the internet.


Exactly how I feel. This was the first forum I ever joined and it taught me so much and some of it was even about my motorcycle grin.gif.

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