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Deer season is fast approaching, any deer hunters here?


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Does hunting by motorcycle count? I wonder how many people here have had deer-motorcycle collisions. I was lucky in 2007: a small deer ran out of the forest, hit my front wheel dead center on the axle, knocking the bike out from under me. I slid ~100 feet, destroyed a bunch of gear, and cracked the little finger on my right hand. The deer lost a front leg, and bled out in a ditch.

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10 hours ago, Selden said:

Does hunting by motorcycle count? I wonder how many people here have had deer-motorcycle collisions. I was lucky in 2007: a small deer ran out of the forest, hit my front wheel dead center on the axle, knocking the bike out from under me. I slid ~100 feet, destroyed a bunch of gear, and cracked the little finger on my right hand. The deer lost a front leg, and bled out in a ditch.

I've had two deer collisions. One in 2006 and another in May of this year. Both resulted in fractured ribs. Fortunately, I was better off than the deer. Five or six other riders I know have also collided with deer.

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Despite trying to miss it we clipped one in the hind quarters with the left front quarter panel of a Jetta we used to have. The hit wasn't fatal and it did run off into the woods but my memory was I spun it like a top and its head and face whizzed past the driver's side windshield and I am sure it saw me.  Both the deer and I saw the look of horror on our faces.  Ended up with a busted head lamp, a wrinkled quarter panel and a whole bunch of dear snot on the windshield and all along the driver's side windows.  I guess we literally not the snot out of it.  Thankfully never hit one on the bike!


The lesson was, don''t try to avoid it and instead aim for it where it first lands on the road. If I had done that, we would have missed that stupid beast.

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I grew up hunting.  I used to hunt but haven't in a few years. When growing up, there were lots of dairy farmers which equaled lots of corn fields which equaled lots of deer.  At that time, there were no predators for the deer, only hunters. So the worst case was, should the winter be terrible there would be a great deal of starvation which means disease etc among the herds.  Now, I don't hunt but I did enjoy it when I did it, the meat was superior and the pelts were sold to leather shops.

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Our only collision with deer involved our sailboat. We were on the north shore of Lake Huron headed towards a launch at Little Current. Saw the deer running towards us on the right side. Nancy never saw it. I don't swerve when towing anything. Deer tried to change direction but had no traction on the edge of the road. Slowed down enough it hit the middle of the boat, flew up in the air with a broken neck and right leg. Dead on impact.


In Southern Illinois, deer are everywhere. Have seen many so far this Fall on the side of the road. Mostly does but saw a nice buck yesterday in the middle of Interstate 64.


Shotgun seasons here are the weekend before Thanksgiving weekend and the weekend after Thanksgiving. Bow hunters are continuing to take a greater percentage of the deer harvest due to the legalization of bow hunting for everyone. In Illinois you can buy bow permits over the counter, as many as you want, with the only restriction being 2 bucks per person by any method, bow or gun,


I have an either sex shotgun permit. Will have all of the venison made into bratwurst patties. That was the most liked last year and the first that was totally gone from the freezer.


Glad to hear that the above deer strikes turned out as well as they did. Often it doesn't turn out so well for the rider.


Ride Well

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