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Due to civil unrest


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So I finally ordered front and back crash bars from Ilium May 28th.

I just got a notice from UPS -

"Civil unrest has delayed your package in transit. Delivery will be rescheduled. Check back for updates."

While it's not a big deal (unless I drop my bike this weekend)  I can wait, it just burst my bubble a bit.

They're stuck in Chicago trying to make there way to Akron, Ohio

Anybody else experience delays ???

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 My rebuilt Russell seat was stuck in Chicago for four days with the same ‘civil unrest’ message.  All seems to be good now and expected delivery next Monday.

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I tried that line on my wife.  "Due to civil unrest, I need to go for a ride instead of ……" .  Didn't work.

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I had a package from Amazon delayed for over a week after Amazon said it shipped.  No explanation, just the date kept getting pushed out.

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Joe Coastie

Ordered a set of roll pins/bobbins for the front rotors on my 1100RT from our friend in Romania.

Ordered on 5/12 still waiting, they will arrive when they arrive.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I manage a lot of datacenter work in NYC and our office is on 5th by union sq and we have a DC in the city. We found out UPS stopped delivering to our office towards the start of the riots by seeing our packages simply get RTS, no notice, nothing. UPS driver here said the company gave drivers full leeway - if they didn’t feel safe at the location then don’t even try. (Yay trusting drivers over profit.) Can’t blame em, just would have liked a note. But stuff changing so fast... I get it. Was a fun couple weeks dealing in alternative logistics tho...

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Joe Coastie

I did receive the new bobbins on 19th of this month.

38 days from order to receipt, guess that ain't bad considering all the BS going on.

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