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02 sensor


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Good mornin everybody, Anybody heard of a 02 performance chip. They are selling them on e-bay. They claim a 15 HP gain. Sounds to good to be true. I firgure ed will pipe in here, since he is the guru of BMW`s. Ride Safe Detroit

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Never heard of one but then that is nothing new. I long ago gave up on the quest for performance gains to be had from the oil head engine. A chip, alone, certainly won't do much more than give a sligth increase in driveability. My 1100S with a pipe and a chip picked up about 3HP over stock. That is on an arrangement with a better breathing exhaust to start with (larger head pipes).


Concentrate on improving the rider. Leave the engineering to the guys who get payed to do it. They are much better at it even when their goals don't completely match yours.


Answer this question. If 15 HP was available by simply remapping the chip, why, in this HP crazy world, would BMW engineers not have done so?

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Good mornin everybody, Anybody heard of a 02 performance chip. They are selling them on e-bay. They claim a 15 HP gain. Sounds to good to be true. I firgure ed will pipe in here, since he is the guru of BMW`s. Ride Safe Detroit


Mr Ed is spot on....he did some nice mods and gained 3 HP...that is a nice increase for a boxer.


A 15 BHP gain in the boxer takes MAJOR modifications to valve timimg, lift and duration, cylinder head work and other changes....like a big bore kit.


No chip can provide this much boxer HP increase (unless they include a turbocharger with the chip). So yes, it is too good to be true.

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