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'05 RT struck by lightning

Don Redman

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I hope I am posting in the right forum? 


Posted this very thread over on bmwlt.com, got a limited response, but the suggestion to try you folks -for  "The forum knowledge for your particular RT year will be much more focussed."  


As the title says, a bolt came down a tree next to the bike.
Bike starts, runs and drives (without brake assist) with all lights except console.
-no instruments or computer display

-tried battery disconnect, with no change

-bike starts and runs well
-brake servos (assist) do not work, so I am assuming ABS is not working either?
-brakes work, but not well (squeeze harder)
-so instrument lights, cluster, and display do not work.
-Display does work when stereo is turned on, but only displays stereo info.


Just looking for some ideas of where to look, and what to suspect, as I am pulling code (hopefully) sometime this week.

I am totally new to the RT and can bus, so I am a little lost.  Any help, tips or guidance would be appreciated. Video below:




You checked fuses, right?  There was a thread recently about a particular type of fuse that BMW used to use -- I think it looks like a wire sort of crimped across the top of the two prongs that go into the holder.  People had found that some of those fuses lose connectivity, even though it looks like they're still good.


My understanding from what I read was there are no fuses in this model because of the canbus? I could be wrong and I would love to be wrong I would love to think that I could pull a fuse just not sure where that would be as I have not been able to find a single fuse on this bike yet?

1 hour ago, Don Redman said:

I hope I am posting in the right forum? 


Posted this very thread over on bmwlt.com, got a limited response, but the suggestion to try you folks -for  "The forum knowledge for your particular RT year will be much more focussed."  


As the title says, a bolt came down a tree next to the bike.
Bike starts, runs and drives (without brake assist) with all lights except console.
-no instruments or computer display

-tried battery disconnect, with no change

-bike starts and runs well
-brake servos (assist) do not work, so I am assuming ABS is not working either?
-brakes work, but not well (squeeze harder)
-so instrument lights, cluster, and display do not work.
-Display does work when stereo is turned on, but only displays stereo info.


Just looking for some ideas of where to look, and what to suspect, as I am pulling code (hopefully) sometime this week.

I am totally new to the RT and can bus, so I am a little lost.  Any help, tips or guidance would be appreciated. Video below:




Afternoon Don


If your 2005 RT  bike has canbus then you are in the wrong forum.


Do you have the 2005 1150RT or the 1200RT? (1150RT is an oilhead, 1200RT is a hexhead).

Any idea on where the lightening entered the motorcycle (any sign of external arcing or burn marks?)


Yeah thanks for that dirt Rider I thought this was an oilhead? No sign of entry on to the motorcycle, but one of the guys on the other forum mentioned EMP and I thought that might be a logical conclusion.  I wonder if a moderator could move this to the appropriate forum?



49 minutes ago, Don Redman said:

Yeah thanks for that dirt Rider I thought this was an oilhead? No sign of entry on to the motorcycle, but one of the guys on the other forum mentioned EMP and I thought that might be a logical conclusion.  I wonder if a moderator could move this to the appropriate forum?




Afternoon Don


You still haven't told us for sure that it is a 1200 bike (sounds like it is but on this web site we don't like to guess at things as a wrong guess can generate incorrect or misleading troubleshooting info. (we absolutely need to know what that bike is)


So I will assume it is a 1200 (hexhead) bike (if it isn't tell us quick)


Your problem is going to be very difficult to diagnose over the internet (will be difficult enough even when leaning over bike with test equipment in hand)


There are no system fuses in the 1200 hexhead bike so it isn't a simple blown fuse.


A first guess would that the ZFE module is fried  as that feeds info to the dash module over the Can system (CanBus) but that shouldn't directly effect the I-ABS (wizzy) brake system but the brake system is also attached to the CanBus so who knows on that.  Or both the ZFE & the dash module fried with the ABS module possibly also damaged.


More info from you would help us a bit as the more things that we know work (or don't work) could lead us to a certain chassis module or power/ground area.   


One of the things that bother me is that the BMW  1200RT is kind of sensitive to over-voltage with 15 volts being the threshold where module damage can occur (your lightening strike went WAYYYYYYYY over that 15 volts)


I'm not holding out much hope that we can isolate your exact failure point (or points)  over the internet but we can give it a try with lots more info from you.


So see if you can tell what still works & what doesn't work --like power windshield, horn, cruise control, ESA rear shock, brake light, tail light, headlight, high beam,  turn signals, heated seat, etc  (basically everything that you can check).


If you have access to a GS-911 you can also try some basic tests & re-sets to see if anything is still controllable with the GS-911, or if you have any codes stored, etc.  If the GS-911 can't read it or control it then it is possibly fried.  


Yeah sorry dirt Rider I guess I'm exposing  my complete ignorance about the systems on this bike.

It is a 1200 RT

Theonly thing that I know for sure is not working are:


Speedo and tach

computer display

Everything else appears to be working just fine including the display when the radio is turned on but it only displays radio stuff?

Honestly I'm not hoping for a resolution from this forum I was just hoping for information just like you gave me in your last reply. I have almost no clue about the electrical system on this bike even having a repair manual does not give me much insight into how this thing works. Maybe we should just hold off until I attempt The code retrieval this week? My cluelessness it's frustrating since I don't even know the usual suspects? I guess I am also still hanging on to the delusion that there may just be a reset switch on here somewhere? I will update with new info as soon as I get it. Thanks for all the new possibilities so far that helps a lot to know what components might be failure points. I'm really concerned that we may not be able to get codes at all if everything is burnt up?

13 minutes ago, Don Redman said:

Yeah sorry dirt Rider I guess I'm exposing  my complete ignorance about the systems on this bike.

It is a 1200 RT

Theonly thing that I know for sure is not working are:


Speedo and tach

computer display

Everything else appears to be working just fine including the display when the radio is turned on but it only displays radio stuff?

Honestly I'm not hoping for a resolution from this forum I was just hoping for information just like you gave me in your last reply. I have almost no clue about the electrical system on this bike even having a repair manual does not give me much insight into how this thing works. Maybe we should just hold off until I attempt The code retrieval this week? My cluelessness it's frustrating since I don't even know the usual suspects? I guess I am also still hanging on to the delusion that there may just be a reset switch on here somewhere? I will update with new info as soon as I get it. Thanks for all the new possibilities so far that helps a lot to know what components might be failure points. I'm really concerned that we may not be able to get codes at all if everything is burnt up?


Afternoon Don


There is no manual re-setting of much on the BMW 1200 bikes as the onboard modules (computers)  do auto re-sets when the problem is gone.


About the only thing that you can do is disconnect the battery  for about 1 hour to force a clean power-up (this is very doubtful to help though).


You might find some stored codes but even that probably won't tell you much. The big help (at least to me) will probably be in what you can actually read info on, control, & re-set with a GS-911.


If you do take things apart then sometimes the best diagnostic tool for the chassis modules is your nose. (a sniff test can sometimes  sniff out  burnt smelling  electronics)


It is very important to know EXACTLY what still works or doesn't work (don't guess) as certain things are controlled by certain chassis modules. Knowing what works (or doesn't) can maybe lead us to the  failed module or failed area controller.


If you want a lighting proof bike then buy an old (pre 2008) 650 KLR, those things will probably be one of the few  motorcycles  still running even after a nuclear EMP attack. They don't even need a battery to start or run.   

  • Like 1

Awesome responses dirtrider and that is pretty much exactly what I was looking for, just some ideas. Hopefully I will have some codes for us to discuss in the next few days and I am still holding out hope for something closer to the simpler end of things. Funny you mention the pre 08 KLR? I put almost 70,000 miles on one before I traded. I could not kill it no matter what I tried to do, no matter how many times I smashed it into trees and rocks and flipped it into ditches and creeks and rode it across the Rockies several times without fail. If I could figure out a way to modify the suspension into the replacement bike I have now I would probably buy another one. I agree, roaches and KLRs will rule the world one day.  Thanks again!!

6 minutes ago, Don Redman said:

Awesome responses dirtrider and that is pretty much exactly what I was looking for, just some ideas. Hopefully I will have some codes for us to discuss in the next few days and I am still holding out hope for something closer to the simpler end of things. Funny you mention the pre 08 KLR? I put almost 70,000 miles on one before I traded. I could not kill it no matter what I tried to do, no matter how many times I smashed it into trees and rocks and flipped it into ditches and creeks and rode it across the Rockies several times without fail. If I could figure out a way to modify the suspension into the replacement bike I have now I would probably buy another one. I agree, roaches and KLRs will rule the world one day.  Thanks again!!


Afternoon Don


Don't get too focused on the stored codes as BMW doesn't always trap anything that will help with the present problem but could have trapped any number of older ones that were a one time deal (like low voltage issues, or sticky switch, etc)


Do write all the codes down but then clear them then check them  again  (some were probably already cleared when you disconnected the battery). The new ones that come back might tell us something.


What isn't presently working can also tell you a lot as most functions (like windshield, cruise control, suspension, horn, turn signals, etc are actually controlled by the different chassis module (computers) not direct switch control.  


Will do, thanks again.


Hi Don, we have talked on another forum. So now you are here on the BMWST forum, you should be posting this in the Hexhead, NOT the Oilhead section. As before, the concentration of expertise will be higher. It may be worth starting it again there.

2 hours ago, AndyS said:

Hi Don, we have talked on another forum. So now you are here on the BMWST forum, you should be posting this in the Hexhead, NOT the Oilhead section. As before, the concentration of expertise will be higher. It may be worth starting it again there.


Morning Andy


Starting it again in another forum gets kind of confusing as each thread is then conflicting with the other thread with little continuity between them.  One thread can have him chasing this & the other thread can have him chasing that.    


There was time when putting things in the proper forum would generate more on-point responses but just about anyone on this site that could help him is now monitoring all the forums (you found his thread on this forum).


If wanting to move this thread to hexhead then probably best to have a moderator move this one to the hexhead forum so there is then only a single thread & it is kept on point.



  • Like 1

I do not enjoy confusion and  I am hoping we have staff with access to the "Move Topic" button?

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