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Experience with motorcycle shippers?


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I recently used Federal for shipping a sidecar rig from OKC to VA. The actual shipping went well but thier tracking systems is not so good. It was showing it moving between cities in NC 2 days after it was in my garage. Federal farmed the actual shipping to STI  so you might contract STI  directly.

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On 11/9/12 my clutch splines failed in Tennessee, on the second riding day of my planned ride home from Durham, NC to San Diego.  I had it towed to Pandora's in Chattanooga.  Due to the need to order parts and various weather and time constraints, I decided to have them repair the bike and then have it shipped to me.  The repair was completed by 11/30/12.  I used haulbikes.com (aka Daily Direct).  I don't have a note handy as to when they picked it up, but it was finally delivered on 1/22/13!  There aren't a lot of bikes being shipped that time of year, and they operate on a hub and spoke system, so my bike spent a few weeks in Milwaukee waiting for them to have enough bikes to ship to California to be worth taking the truck.  The bike was fine when it arrived (although they had removed the windshield so it would fit on the lower deck of the trailer).  I don't know how normal this is, but given that I can easily ride in San Diego some days in December and January, I wasn't pleased with how long it took.  So, the moral of the story is to ask questions about their shipping methods and, if possible, get a guaranteed delivery date.

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Used Michael several times with no problems.  So has my brother. 

Reasonable and pretty quick depending on where he is and where he's heading.  Also, where you are.  He's an owner/operator running solo.

Had a bike picked up in S. CA. being delivered to N. New Jersey and it was delivered within two - three weeks. YMMV

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I don’t know if was true then but I noticed last time I was on the haulbikes site that they offer different time windows for different prices now (more money equals smaller/sooner window). 

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