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Leslie and Marty See the USA - Part Deux

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Les is more

The morning we left Shreveport the skies were clear and the temperature perfect. The ride was pleasant and uneventful, heading west on the interstate toward Dallas.


Among the things I noticed especialy were the carpets of flowers along the roadsides and medians and the continued beautiful greenery. In my head, I somehow pictured the entire state of Texas as flat and brown with nothing but cowpie strewn vasts pimpled with oil wells. That stereotype must exist somewhere but certainly not where we were riding.


Another thing that struck me was the friendliness of the people. Riders to a one waved regardless of make of bike and even from across the interstate. The people at food and gas stops were curious and neighborly. Some were a little taken aback that we were crossing the country on motorcyles. For example, this conversation occurred while I was in line for the bathroom. He was tall and lean, dressed in neatly pressed Levis, a pearl snapped cowboy shirt, the requisite boots and a well seasoned straw Stetson. He asked (imagine strong Texas drawl here), "Whur Y'all comin' from?" "Atlanta," I smiled. "Whur y'all headin' for?" "San Diego," I chirped cheerfully. L O N G P A U S E, then the terse reply, "Y'all gotta gitcha a car."


Undaunted, on we cruised, skirting the Dallas area and eventually heading south toward San Angelo and Eric Foerster's house. I faithfully followed Marty while he faithfully followed his GPS.

The skies turned the color of a bruise and seemed heavy like a rain filed canopy. The wind kicked up its heels like a Texas calf and smelled wet. About 20 miles from Eric's place one of a few riders we had been seeing came toward us on a Kawi Concours. "Geez Louise!" I thought. "This guy's ridin' around in a T shirt!" . . . wait a minute . . . that's a BMWRT.com shirt! Marty and I brilliantly deduced that Eric had ridden out to meet us and lead us in. The T shirt was worn for recognition like a red carnation in the lapel. What a guy!


It seemed that we had barely been ushered into the garage when the rains came, soaking the Kawi which sat outside in deference to the guest's Beemers. It also seemed that no sooner had Marty mentioned wanting to change his oil than Eric was on the ground dropping the oil and replacing it. He was ably assisted by Spencer his thirteen year old son who, I gather, is quite a mechanic in his own right. I believe we'll have the pleasure of Spencer's company at Torrey.


Inside, I was shown my room. I had the master bedroom suite no less. I felt like visiting royalty.

I think Marty was given a straw mattress in the corner of the stable. Just kidding, there was no stable. Maybe it was the garage. wink.gif


Not too much later, Eric's wife, Amy and Eric's folks, Jane and Charles came and started whipping up delicious things to eat and drink. Let the party begin! We had such a great time gabbing and laying waste to everything on the table! The meal ended with a birthday cake (this trip fell right between Marty's and my birthdays) and Amy's indescribably yummy buttermilk pie. Eric said the pie was the reason he married Amy. Shoot! I'd have married her myself at that point! I would also ride any number of miles if the reward at the end was an evening this nice with people this wonderful.


Check out the smiling faces.


I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the other family member we met. That was Tank the dog - as cute as any cartoon pup. He is a glossy black mutt with bright eyes and cocked ears - about as affectionate as they come. Eric and Amy found him left for dead on the highway. His back had been broken and he had other injuries from being run over and had been shot twice. Amy wrapped him up and they took him to neurosurgeons in Dallas who pieced him back together. This little guy really beat the odds and not only survived but fully recovered right down to the tip of his wagging tail. I have to admit that Eric and Amy are the only people I know with a $6000 dog!


Here's Tank!


Now it was off to the royal chambers for a good night's sleep before the morrow's adventure (I'm sure Marty was comfy in the barn as well) smirk.gif


Living like royalty.


Alas! The hoped for rest was not to be! Oh, the bed was amazing and dressed in the finest percale and no pea was detectable beneath the mattress, but somewhere, in the wee hours, the butterflies took up residence in my stomach. There were Monarchs and Skipppers and Mourning Cloaks. As the predawn wore on they began to take on an evil aspect with big, sharp, pointy teeth ("Look at the bones!") and drool coming from the corners of their mouths. What in the heck was happening??!!


As I searched for a reason, I realized, that up until now, we had been slabbing it. In the morning we would take off with Eric and his dad Charles on the back roads. . .in the rain (light). . .and the wind (negligible). . . My faith in my abilities on this new bike was once again being called into question.


Tune in tomorrow for the next installment







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Words are ineed a wonderful thing when they're assembled and used as beautifully as you have demonstrated.


Let's see... far from home... rain... wind... bigger bike I'm not the familiar with... we're going riding in the twisties tomorrow? I'd call that a 'Maalox Moment' if I've ever heard one! grin.gif


Incredible tale of generousity about Eric and his family. What a fantastic group of people. I only hope I too have the priviledge of meeting him one day. You were taken in and treated like 'family'. How cool is that? smile.gif


Please don't keep us hanging on too long for part three!

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Is this theater of the mind? Wonderful story, do not want it to be over. Get on the bike and go for another trip so this pitiful soul, saddled with such mundane tasks as work can enjoy your writing.



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Very kind words and an awesome story. You are a very gifted writer.

It was a great two days. The riding was fantastic even though we got a little wet. I know my family and I had a great time. Remember you know better when people say West Texas is flat smile.gif

I perused your pictures and they are great. I see you went around the loop at Ft. Davis. I think this one of the most scenic places in Texas.

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"Pimpled with oil wells"


That's a descriptive sentence if I ever heard one! Now I'm reading your story just to watch for your adjectives....... superb!! Your english teacher would be very proud of you.



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