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Updating DVD manual


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I just installed the official DVD manual and am going through the process of updating. I've already gone through 6 updates and am still not done yet.

I want to also install the manual on my laptop. Is there a way to transfer updated files directly from my desktop to the laptop so I can avoid going through this lengthy update process?

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Figured it out.

First of all, the DVD comes with 4 activations. So you can install it on 4 different machines.

Stick the DVD in the drive and select to update it. The first time you do this, it will copy the whole program unto the local disk at a location of your choice. You won't need the DVD again. You'll need to create a shortcut to Repair_Manuals.exe and stick it on your desktop since the install process doesn't do that.

After installation, you'll need to go through about 6 or 7 update processes to get current. Looks like they update every couple of months.

In the directory where you installed it is a folder \Repair_Manuals\Datas, Copy that whole directory to a usb drive. Also copy Repair_Manuals_Main.exe and Repair_Manuals_Update.exe from \Repair_Manuals\ directory.

Now go to your laptop and install it. Launch the DVD, enter Serial Number to activate, then try to update, the first time you try to update, it will install files on the hard drive. Now simply delete and replace the files with those on your usb drive. You'll have an updated manual without the need to go through the internet.

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