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Picasa is dead! Google Photos?


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I've used Picasa for years. Now I find it has been retired. Apparently it is now owned by Google (what isn't?) and that they are now presenting Google Photos.

Has anyone used this program? Any recommendations? Warnings? Is it completely cloud-based or will it still store the edited photos on my computer?

Edited by doc47
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Google retired Picasa a while ago. The only "functional" difference that I really notice is the ability to embed photos into forums or websites such as this. Picasa was pretty straightforward to add an embed link. With Google Photos, it is not. They took away the "native" support to generate the embed link. You have to add a some code to the link ("?.jpg") for it to work. PITA.

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Picasa still works just fine, and is my primary photo management system. I have an archived copy of the installer if you need it.

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Picasa still works just fine, and is my primary photo management system. I have an archived copy of the installer if you need it.


You're on! I'll take it!


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I use Google Photo, and it is a convenient backup (uploads all my smartphone pics automatically into the cloud).

I even paid for extra storage.


But I don't trust them.... so I keep the originals on my own Terabyte disks.... and they are indeed a PITA as one cannot easily embed photos on forums anymore.


I still have my Smugmug account, and that works for my old ride tales, but am not happy with the changes in that system either. Still looking for something solid and simple, as Picasa and Smugmug used to be.

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I use Shutterfly, but they too have become not as friendly in terms of posting pictures in forums and you have to be a "member" to download a picture directly. Membership is free, but not everyone wants to bother.


I was thinking of trying Flickr, but now that Verizon has taken over Yahoo, I don't know if that will be viable in long term either.


(edit: just thought of imgur. it isn't all that easy to use, but it does let you post pictures in forums fairly easily)

Edited by Scarecrow
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