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Wilbers ESA Replacement Shocks- Good Stuff!


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I had HermanUSA.com, aka Wheels & Wings in Edgewater, FL replace my shocks with Wilbers, lowered 30mm. These are ESA replacement shocks. Previously did the same with my 06RT back in 2011. Total cost including tax & install about 2k. No charge for use of his Gold Wing "reverse trike" during the install process. Bike is better than ever, now flat footed even with a pillion on board! If you're in Eastern US you should definitely consider him!

Only negatives are the existing BMW shocks are virtually destroyed in the changeover and my oversize kick stand pad would not fit due to conflicts with the shifter linkage.

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  • 6 months later...

I can echo Gene's account on the Wilbers. I am 68" (5'8'") and cannot flat foot an RT without getting it factory lowered. This has always caused issues at low speed, parking lots etc and on more than one occasion my RT had an narcoleptic episode and wanted to lay down for a nap. I had never heard of Wilbers until I purchased my 2011. Like Gene, it was lowered 30mm (and have 30mm more to go if need be) and the handling was much softer and responsive. For the first time in my RT owning career I am not afraid of low speed maneuvers. Until I added a Russell Day Long, I was able to flat foot without fear. Even with the extra inch from the Russell, I still feel more comfortable and confident with the Wilbers than I was with the BMW system. I just got lucky and found a used bike from a guy or my height and dimensions. One the day comes and I can afford a brand new RT, Wilbers are going on it.


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