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Some DVD Pics


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Better late than never, so here goes.

After the meet up in Lancaster, we had brunch in Olancha and this is the view from the parking lot



Then we headed up to Horseshoe Meadow in the Sierras at about 9500 ft.





From there we rode to Death Valley where I stopped at Mesquite Dunes







The sun was setting behind me illuminating the distant mountains and the moon



The next day we lunched at Gold Point, a bustling metropolis in the NV desert.





Cindy brightened our day, being the only lady motorcyclist, and an accomplished one at that



And here's Larry who did not have a flat this go-round. Thanks for posing you two!



Here is the sunset in Beatty NV that night



The next day we departed in the morn descending first into DV and then into Panamint Valley and both offer FANTASTIC VIEWS. I will do my best to have vids of those next year.


The road thru Panamint Valley has finally been paved, so no more wash board dirt! Hi Frank. We missed you and hope your son is on the mend.


We said our goodbyes in Mojave and then Groanup and I took the scenic route into LA via Angeles Forest Hwy and Angeles Crest Hwy

Umm, here is a disclaimer: These were taken a few days later, but they give you an idea of what we saw up there. Notice Angeles Crest in the left of the pic





And Angeles Crest is again visible this time in the upper right of the pic winding it's way down that valley



Oh, Mr Duck, thanks again for your efforts, and could you send a link to this thread to the usual suspects?




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