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R1200RT Coolant leak


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Bike is 2014 with 32000 miles. While camping in some cold (23deg) weather I noticed one morning a very small puddle of coolant under the bike. It originated at the joint between the lower radiator hose and the engine (see pic). I was miles from anywhere so I just watched very closely to see if it got worse, it didn't and I completed the 1,000 miles back home without a problem. However during the last service I noticed that the coolant level had dropped to the lower of the two marks on the tank, it usually sat at the exact half-way point, so there is a leak. The bike is under extended warranty so I will be taking it to the dealer. Does anybody know whats behind this joint? Possibly an "o" ring?



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I don't know whats back there if anything...I tried to spy it on fiche but couldn't really tell. I would probably ask the dealer how tight those bolts are supposed to be, pull the hose lose, look for corrosion or anything unusual and tighten to spec. Here is a location where you can try to drill in on the picture. If the dealer is close, I would just take it in, but if not, might try the above.



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Yes! thanks! found it on the fiche (eventually) it IS an O ring. The top hose connector to engine block uses the identical O ring. Maybe should replace both. I could do this easily myself but would need to buy o rings coolant etc. I think this is going to the dealer...

I wonder if this is a low-temp o ring problem? It hasn't leaked since...


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Yes! thanks! found it on the fiche (eventually) it IS an O ring. The top hose connector to engine block uses the identical O ring. Maybe should replace both. I could do this easily myself but would need to buy o rings coolant etc. I think this is going to the dealer...

I wonder if this is a low-temp o ring problem? It hasn't leaked since...


Evening Geoff


Probably low temp + a negative pressure (ie vacuum) related issue.


In cold temps "O" rings get a bit harder & stiffer. When the engine cools off overnight the coolant contracts so forms a very slight vacuum in the cooling system. That slight vacuum can unseat a stiff "O" ring enough to seep coolant until the engine heats up enough to pressurize the cooling system & re-seat the "O" ring.



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