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Oh My God...

Jeff in VA

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Target fixation -- preceded by locking the rear wheel (the likely source of the wobbles that were not there before his fingers move to apply the front brake).


Given his (lack of) lean angle, and the lack of anything difficult with that curve (not off-camber, not very tight radius) that looks like an avoidable meeting.


This is the kind of "lept on by the press" video that make motorcycling look like a certain-death occupation. Nowhere in any of the national news coverage was there any commentary on the lack of rider skill demonstrated here.

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Target fixation -- preceded by locking the rear wheel (the likely source of the wobbles that were not there before his fingers move to apply the front brake).

Lack of ABS didn't help the poor guy.

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Nowhere in any of the national news coverage was there any commentary on the lack of rider skill demonstrated here.


I agree that he didn't demonstrate a lot of skill. This was totally avoidable. He is lucky to be alive. That said, even experienced riders can lock on to a target and ride right into it.

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I watched it to the end. If you never had a wreck maybe it is too much for you. I have been riding since 15 years old, now 59. I had my big accident at about 22 years old. I leaned into a tight turn on an Indiana corn field road, corn tall on both sides of the road. A pickup was coming in the other lane hot dog through the corner, a teenager. I made a split second decision and am here to tell this story. I quickly forcibly power turned the opposite way avoiding the trucks grill and hit a ditch ejecting me into what seems like eternity. Wound up with a hurt knee. Anyway new rules for me came about. Riders who experience crashes usually learn to be better riders, I did.

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