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Unrally Check In


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Got in at about 12:45 pm. Had a great time, as usual.


Always great to see everyone!


Mike, Mitch & Steve, and anyone else I may have forgot...


Thanks! :thumbsup:

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Great location, superb riding, outstanding weather. The only downside was the lodge bar ran out of Spotted Cow beer.


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Home. Little John peeled off at Springfield a couple of hours earlier. 96 degrees in Nashville when I arrived at 4:30


Thanks to Mitch, Mike and all others who made it so much fun. My first time using routes on a Garmin and it worked perfectly. Wow, what great roads to ride and sights to see.


Pics and ride report later.


Fun to put faces to a lot of folks I've "known" on the board. Whip was there for a while. T.M. Row was a NO SHOW!!!!!!!


Rain Monday morning and then cool, clear days that reminded me of Colorado weather.


Finally met Marty Hill. We had some interesting conversations. :thumbsup: He was wondering why I would be buying Foot's old GS. :grin:


Finished off a big bottle of Makers Mark and a small bottle of Orange Patron. I even supplied the cups, except for Beemerboy who had a large glass that looked like it may have been in a bar at one time or another. He was nice enough to run and fetch the ice. :clap:


And for the record, Mark Goodrich married way up, just like I did but he doesn't want anyone to know that or to remind him so just keep it between each other. ;)


Good times. Looking forward to next years event where ever it may be.




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Corey and I rolled into Minneapolis around 3:45.


Thanks to Mike and Mitch for organizing an awesome event! Great riding and great to see so many peeps (and cows).


Brought some Spotted Cow home--did not get stopped at the border...


Oops! Just found the 'real' check-in thread. HERE :dopeslap:

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John Ranalletta

Home at 6p after visit with relatives in IL. Great time. Thanks to organizers for meticulous planning, routes and introduction to "driftless" riding.

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Corey and I rolled into Minneapolis around 3:45.


Thanks to Mike and Mitch for organizing an awesome event! Great riding and great to see so many peeps (and cows).


Brought some Spotted Cow home--did not get stopped at the border...


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I got home around 6:30 central time. Great time and nice meeting all the folks at the UN. Thanks to Mike and Mitch for stepping up to organize the event.

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Thanks to Mitch and Mike for a great job. Met a few guys I'd not met before which is always good. Flew home from chi-town and left the bike there. I know, it's cheating. :rofl:

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Had a great 3 days of riding with old and new friends! Thanks to Mitch and MIke for all your efforts - another successful UnRally!! :thumbsup:


I left at sunrise this morning - 11 hours of interstate to the east side of Cleveland. Staying at my sister-in-laws where my wife is while attending to their mother (age 95) who is now in a full care facility after breaking her hip 3 weeks ago. I will make a quick visit with mom in the morning and then head back to DC tomorrow.


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Left Wednesday mornin with Chris. We split up in Des Moines where he headed south stopping in Rockwall Tx and I made it to Limon Co, both of us riding over 1000 miles.

I got to Salida in time for lunch with Mrs Whip on Thursday.


I really enjoyed getting to meet the empty beer can.


Thanks to Mitch and Mike for setting it up and a special thanks to Edd for the tour of his hood.



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I made it home on Wednesday... departed Three Bears at 5:08am . Pulled into the garage at 10:30 pm.


A bit over 1050 miles. West bound on I-90, then South to Des Moines on 35, West on 80, south to I-70 Limon CO, then home.


Managed to only catch the edges of two huge storm cells along the way. Temperature at departure was a brisk 51.8 degrees. After the rain storms passed Nebraska and Kansas rewarded my trip with a high of 104.2!


While trying to make route selections on the way I asked several people at a truck/restaurant stop the best way to got to I-70 from I-80. SEVERAL people had no idea there was even an I-70. One guy even got a little huffy about it and declared there was no such road and if I wanted to get to Colorado just go to Denver Dude. I took the occasion to point out that not only was there an I-70, there was an I-40, and I-10. I am pretty sure they did not believe me.


Sometimes I wonder about our educational system...


Thanks to all those who helped organize the rally it was well-done.



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I got home at 6:30pm central time. I had a great time meeting people and connecting names and faces. Thanks to Mitch and Mike for stepping up to organize a great time.

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Great location, superb riding, outstanding weather. The only downside was the lodge bar ran out of Spotted Cow beer.


Well sure, do you remember how many you had? :rofl:

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IN last nite 8pm. Rode 815 miles home with no rain just some heat.

Thanks again Mitch and Mike.

Good to be back riding.

See ya'll

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Daughter and I left at 10am (think we were the last). Stopped for lunch, home by 2pm. Hit a little rain on the way.


Had a great time, Mitch and Mike did a great job.

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Made it to the house at 3:30 EDT today after overnighting in Indy last night. No rain once south of Madison, WI on Thursday morning.


Thanks to Mitch, Mike and others for organizing the event.

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Great rally and an interesting location. Locals were great and riding was fun. Thanks to Mitch and Mike for putting this on.


Left at 6:30 Thurs and was in mid-90s by St Louis. Kept riding pushing my stopping point out one major city at a time. First was St L, then Memphis and finally stopped south of Jackson, MS at 10:30pm...970 miles later. The evening ride was too pleasant to stop. Made today's 130 miles seem like nothing.


Great meeting mew riders and looking forward to next year...and the FART in the fall.


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I am currently hunkered down in Zanesville OH. Severe thunderstorms all along tomorrows route. I am waiting till Sunday.

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Sweet ride down the Great River Road to Prairie du Chien on Thursday. Great home cooked dinner by Admin Mike. Tootled into Cedar Rapids today. Will have dinner with longtime member TonyM315 and his wife Kim. Then on Sat I get half way across KS. Sunday into Salida, CO. Monday to Torrey, UT. Tues just to Mesquite, NV where it'll be 112 by noon, so I'll be cutting the day short. Another 6 hrs to L.A. in that heat isn't happening. So I'll get to bed early and blow out at 3am when it'll just be in the mid 90's, and sneak into SoCal around 9A. At least that's the plan.


This trip should total 16 days on the road, 4 of which we're spent at a great event put on by Mitch Patrie and Mike Boomgarden. A HUGE thank you to both of them for a tremendous job.


We'll be announcing the location and dates for the 2016 UnRally in just a few weeks.

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Home at 3:45pm! I picked up Grieffster in Clarksville TN and rode the Great River Road to LaCross WI and on to the UN. Grieffster, SOB and myself took a convoluted route back to Clarksville. On the whole trip only hit a sprinkle :clap:


Thanks Mike and Dan for the miles of smiles. Thanks Mitch and Mike for putting on the UN. That was a lot of work and very appreciated!



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3000 miles all told, and I got home today (Friday) at 4:45 PM.


Great job Mike and Mitch!


Good to see lots of familiar faces, meet new folks, and ride some new roads!

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The Trailer Queen is in the house.


Did you leave the bike standing up or did you lay it down to get better gas mileage?? :wave:

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I am currently hunkered down in Zanesville OH. Severe thunderstorms all along tomorrows route. I am waiting till Sunday.


I had planned on staying in Cleveland until Saturday, however, after looking at the weather forecast decided to leave today. Glad I did - no rain! Heavy traffic on the turnpikes, however, it was moving smoothly and very fast (mostly 80+ miles an hour). Back in DC and home at 4:00 PM.

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Home at 3:45pm! I picked up Grieffster in Clarksville TN and rode the Great River Road to LaCross WI and on to the UN. Grieffster, SOB and myself took a convoluted route back to Clarksville. On the whole trip only hit a sprinkle :clap:


Thanks Mike and Dan for the miles of smiles. Thanks Mitch and Mike for putting on the UN. That was a lot of work and very appreciated!





Yes, great fun. Alan dropped us off at my house. Dan and I found more bourbon and are continuing to UN. Dan is headed to Asheville in the morning and I to Chattanooga. Thanks Mike and Mitch. Superb.

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Joe Frickin' Friday

Joe Frickin' Friday is Frickin' home (as of 7PM). Stayed with Fernando and Mike in Prairie du Chien last night and then after an emergency wheel swap between my bike and Mike's bike early this morning, I made it to the ferry on time.


Thanks to all of you for coming; I enjoyed seeing you all again, and I'm glad we could give you all a taste of riding in the Driftless Zone.


Will post some pics and tell some tales tomorrow.

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Back in civilization. Thanks to all who made it. I'm glad we were able to share our little slice of riding heaven with everyone. The only downside was that Mitch stole my frickin' wheel.

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Thanks to Mitch and Mike et al for a fine rally.

Home Friday at 4:30. Thurs followed in Endobob's wake through Chicago to east of Cleveland. Continued the slabbing Fri on the NY Thruway. Weather couldn't have been better each day.

Gosh, there sure are alot of tolls. Norhing like EZPass (except for the gate that tried to take my head off.)

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Thursday I went to Milwaukee to visit Mother before starting back getting as far as Omaha, NE.


1,150 miles from Omaha to home was Friday's ride, and the little sport-touring bike handled it with ease.

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Left Three Bears around 5:30 and made it to North Platte, NE. I gave some serious thought to going all the way to Colorado Springs but decided against it. That decision was the right one because it saved me a trip through a storm that included hail, etc. I arrived home just after 10 a.m. yesterday to an overgrown lawn and a stack of mail. :P

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..... Stayed with Fernando and Mike in Prairie du Chien last night and then after an emergency wheel swap between my bike and Mike's bike early this morning, I made it to the ferry on time. .....

Why the wheel swap? Can we assume a ride tale/report with pictures will be posted?

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Returned home from the Un early Friday Morning. 1910 Miles. No tickets! No road rash! Averaged about 37 mpg. Used about 2/3 quart of oil.


Nice meeting all you great people. Thanks to Mitch and Mike for setting it up and all their hard work.


Thinking about next year! :clap:

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Joe Frickin' Friday

Why the wheel swap? Can we assume a ride tale/report with pictures will be posted?


You think you're the only one who runs tires down to a nub? :grin:

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Why the wheel swap? Can we assume a ride tale/report with pictures will be posted?


You think you're the only one who runs tires down to a nub? :grin:


No - but I thought you were more conservative and responsible than me! :grin:

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Why the wheel swap? Can we assume a ride tale/report with pictures will be posted?


You think you're the only one who runs tires down to a nub? :grin:


On a Saturday night. leaving oh dark thiry Sunday...

twice, wait, more, that I saw.


fixed for ya


Hi Bob.


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Joe Frickin' Friday

Why the wheel swap? Can we assume a ride tale/report with pictures will be posted?


You think you're the only one who runs tires down to a nub? :grin:


No - but I thought you were more conservative and responsible than me! :grin:


Yeah, well, it turns out we were both wrong about that. :dopeslap:

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Finally home, waited out the rain in Zanesville OH yesterday. I still ran through about 150 miles of rain this morning. 2751 miles, that is a high water mark for me. It was nice seeing some old friends and meeting some for the first time. Thanks to Bud for traveling with me to Springfield. Mike and Mitch, thanks for another great event!

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Torrey tonight. Have shared condolences, appreciation and love regarding Randy Austin's passing.


Rode mostly in 100- degree temps today. Cutting it way short tomorrow and stopping in Mesquite around noon when it should be 110. A 3 AM blast will get me to SoCal We'd before I melt.

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UPDATE: Home at last. Great riding throughout the 14 days I was gone, except for the hellacious winds today, coming across the NV and CA deserts. Wonderful Un Rally with all due credit to Mitch and Mike for all their hard work. I finally got to meet a lot of our Eastern members. That was worth the mind-numbing miles across ND and then back across KS. Great folks. Funny, wise, and a few degrees off plumb. Just the way we like 'em.

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KTM Doug and Mrs. home this afternoon after two weeks on the road. Great job by the organizers. Even without a bike, we saw some great country that we had never seen and also met some new folks. Can't wait til next year. Maybe we will have a bike at the next one. :thumbsup: I will try to do a separate post of some of the interesting places we visited along the way.

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Home safe on the 4th of July: 5300 miles going and coming. The ride home was hot, hot, and hotter. The old airhead actually held up better than I did.


My cousin Jay and I, rode along the Mississippi and stopped at the Anamosa Motorcycle Museum. What a great collection. Then to Nebraska where Jay continued home to Colorado and I turned north to Beartooth and Chief Joseph Highways. Then Lolo pass and Highway 12 to Lewiston where I turned south into the Hells Canyon Wilderness Area. Then the John Day Hwy and through the Three Sisters Wilderness Area, Hwy 199 to 101 on the coast and then home.


Good riding, although I really don’t want to spend that many days in the hear again. Thanks to Mitch and Mike for all their work in putting together another successful Unrally.

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