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Very hard shift from first to second at fifteen to twenty mph.


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I have an old chp r1150rt and if the mph is high when I shift to second it shifts hard and seems to throw the lever around violently. Bad metalic noises are heard. The last time it happened I thought something would break. I try to shift very early from first to second. Or if I forget I slow way down below ten mph then shift to second. That is the only gear it happens in. The bike now has 170,000 miles. What does this mean? My tranny going out or a quick of the bike?

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Not a quirk. My initial reaction is that at 170K, it likely is worn internal shift-related parts. The only way to know for sure is to open it up (not saying that is the best way to go, read on).


My RT-P tranny developed a problem with the 2-3 shift at ~95K. For non-economic reasons, I elected to have it rebuilt by Tom Cutter. The more economic approach would be to replace yours with a newer tranny from a parted-out bike from one of the breakers like BeemerBonyard. Something of a crapshoot, but a lot less $ than a properly-rebuilt tranny.


Note that the RT-P has different gear ratios than a civilian tranny (IIRC, different 1st and 6th). Some people prefer the civilian ratios, some the police ratios -- all depends on how you use the bike.

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Thanks. I will live with it. Its just the shift lever that seems to be thrown around for some reason.

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My RT had trouble downshifting from 3rd to 2nd, and 2nd to 1st, yet I lived with it for 10K miles. One night, on the 5 in Pacoima (LA), the transmission failed on me. Long story short, I was a sitting duck out there as I had no more transmission, an 18 wheeler truck blocked for me while I coasted to the breakdown lane. Cost me about $2K to repair.


So I encourage you to take the initiative and don't neglect this problem. If that tranny goes at the wrong time, it could cost you dearly in terms of life and limb. Your bike is giving you ample notice that something important is compromised. Take heed.

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+1 with Beemerman2k.


I replaced my tranny at 145k after I snapped off the shifter lever because I had trouble down shifting and thought I would 'live with it'. I managed to take a screw driver and hose clamped it onto the remaining shifter lever and continued the ride because I was on my way to have lunch; and nothing gets in the way of that!



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