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(DC Metro) Going to Morton's Spring Fling? - May 15 - 17


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This is Morton's 5th rally to Natural Bridge, it takes place May 15 - 17, and though I've never been before, I've heard good things and so have reserved a room at the steeply discounted rate of $95 / night (down from $179). Registration is $60 pp and includes a nice buffet dinner on Saturday, some presentations, vendors, and a rally. Other than buying my bike there and liking those folks pretty well, I have no affiliation with Morton's, but am wondering if anyone on the board is planning on taking part. My rough plan as of now is to leave Alexandria around 9:15 on Friday and take Skyline most of the way down. If anyone would like to join me for the ride, I'd appreciate the company.

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I had been thinking about it, but my wife's recent fall, injury and surgery meant that it was a non-starter.

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I'm sorry to hear about your wife's troubles, Marco -- please tell her I wish her a speedy (and complete) recovery.


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I'm sorry to hear about your wife's troubles, Marco -- please tell her I wish her a speedy (and complete) recovery.


Thanks, Will. She badly fractured her kneecap two weeks ago, and now we're under the equivalent of house arrest. Don't know when I'll be able to get out on the bike. Certainly no time soon, as she's completely dependent on me.

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Fathom, I'm in the same boat. I'm heading down from the Harrisburg area and was looking for someone to ride with. However I'm heading down 81.

Look me up when you get there. I'll be on a BMW ;)

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