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Oil filters


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Hate to beat An old subject to death but looking at different websites I find some tell me that I can use the OC 306 and some say you have to use the OC 619 on my R 1200 RT W. Does anyone know for sure that you can use both or one? Thanks......GT


Mod Edit: GT is updating his profile to include a Wethead. This thread is now going back to that Forum.

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I just bought Mahle OC306 filters for my 2008 RT. They appear identical to the OEM part in every respect except for the paint.

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I was able to answer my own question. Talking to a friend of mine that is a triumph dealer he did some research and was able to contact the US distributor for these filters. According to Mahle they are the same filters except the 306 has grooves in the filter housing to accommodate the filter ranch and the 619 is smooth. Also there is a very small size difference . They are identical internally. So I guess that answers my question. Looks to me like you can use either one. GT

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