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El Paseo 1--Need Dinner Count for Saturday


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I need a dinner count for El Paseo. We are just doing informal stuff on our own that Friday night after the ride and the stop at Wheels Through Time. But Saturday night (12th) we have a 7:00p dinner at the restaurant that adjoins the hotel.


To keep this simple, we are going to have one menu. The total price will be $17.95 (I have a call in on whether that includes tip--I'm not sure at this point). That will include:


  • Salad or soup.
  • Cold drink and coffee.
  • Bread basket.
  • Prime Rib (10oz. cut).
  • Choice of two vegetables.
  • Choice of potatoe: garlic mashed, baked, or steak fries.
  • Special dessert.


It's a dry county, but I believe you'll be able to BYOB. In the route sheets, I've indicated the best place to buy some at the end of the rides on either day.


I've given them a tentative number of 40, but I need to firm that up by close of Friday. We can make later changes, but I need to be more specific with them. So...let me know if you'd like to join us for dinner that Saturday. We'll have our own section of the dining room.


Thanks...and boy am I ready to hit the road!

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I'll be in provided I make the trip. I lost my job yesterday, so money is going to get really tight unless I find work soon.

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Jerry already responded for him and I. PQ may join us as well. I should have an answer by the end of the week.



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Looks like there are a lot of folks for dinner. I'm up in the air right now because I have a new bike on order, so you may as well count me out. It's supposed to be in well before the trip, but who knows. I'd ike to break it in and get it serviced before the trip too, because it's a Moto Guzzi and I don't want to get stuck up there. I figure if I break it in locally and nothing goes wrong, I shouldn't have any problems up in the mountains.


I test rode three Guzzis and loved everyone of them. I won't go into what MGs do/do not do better than the RT. What matters is that I'm very happy. You'll never guess what I bought though...California Titanium. I figure I'll back it up someday with a Ducati DS1000SS.


Am I still welcome crazy.gif ?

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Am I still welcome crazy.gif ?


Are you still welcome on a Guzzi? Certainly! Truth be told, I've been toying with taking the Ducati on this trip. Gasp. Gasp. In fact, this is probably a good time to get it out in the open so that those of you who think it's sacrilegious can get it out of your system beforehand instead of giving me crap about it that weekend! grin.gif


Get that 600 miles on it and be sure to make it. I was going to have you lead one of the rides. And it'll be awhile before you get to meet that many folks from the web site all at once.

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In fact, this is probably a good time to get it out in the open so that those of you who think it's sacrilegious can get it out of your system beforehand instead of giving me crap about it that weekend!


Nope, I thing we will just save it for a group intervention session! smile.gif

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Well...I found some work (temporarly anyway) to tide me over while I look for a "real" job so I'll be making the trip for sure. Count me in for dinner.

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Count me in!! Have now cleared all work related issues and looking forward to repeating our rides a few weeks back.

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Count on two more.


Sorry for the delay, but I just received confirmation I can get the time off from work.

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