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Cleaning the beautiful plastic


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2014 R1200RT. Obviously the shiny stuff gets washing and regular car wax. What about the matt black? There's lots of "stuff" out there anyone had experience?


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If you mean the unpainted plastics, just wash it normally like the rest of the bike.


To keep a good appearance you have two choices.


First is to use ordinary silicone spray. It's cheap and it works, but beware it will form a thin layer that will absorb dirt like a sponge. Can be wiped away with an ordinary wash and the "as new effect" will last long however.


Second is to use a dedicated unpainted plastic polish. I've tried a number of products and finally settled for an ordinary dashboard polish I found at the local hardware shop. Cheap and works well.


Regardless of what you choose, your bike will only need an application once in a while to keep on looking great. :thumbsup:

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Mothers Back to Black




This is really good stuff that can work wonders to restore the finish. The good thing about it is that it lasts, unlike some products that just put on a very short term shine.

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I've started using "ProtectAll"

It is some sort of carnuba wax based spray but it is amazing. I've spent years waxing the plastic and worrying about getting wax on the black because of the white streaks from the wax. Then using something different on the black etc...

ProtectAll works for everything, shiny or black plastic, metal, chrome, screen. I've never seen the black portions bead up like they do now. I don't know if it lasts as long as the wax I was using but it is so easy and fast that it doesn't take nearly as long to do the entire bike.

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