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Norton Motorcycles Involved In Wreck!


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Glad you enjoyed it George! :wave:


Guessing this was how the bikes looked before their 73 year bath.


1939 Norton 16H







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This is nothing. Between 1945 and 1946 thousands of tons of equipment were simply dumped into the sea by American and British troops.

In the Mediterranean a few British escort carriers were regularly loaded with a bewildering assortment of surplus items, from motorcycles to spare aircraft engines, sailed to deep waters and then all that was on the deck was simply pushed overboard.

I even heard the inhabitants of a few Pacific islands started a sort of cottage industry to recover what American GI's and sailors had dumped in relatively shallow water at the end of the war, when orders to dispose of equipment which wasn't economical to bring back home or to scrap were issued.

An ingenious Kiwi managed to drag off 14 bulldozers from Million Dollar Point (Vanuatu) in 1948, which were in surprisingly excellent conditions after three years under water. He restored them and sold them for a nice profit to an Australian mining company. He made some extra money by salvaging tons and tons of copper and ship parts in the same fashion.


There's a further twist to the story, and hopefully our Aussie friends can help me out here.

I was told in the '80s the Australian military sold "for pennies" a number of WWII-vintage H-D during an auction of surplus goods at the Banyo Army Depot.

These bikes were brand new, unassembled and still in their original crates, bearing US Army stenciling.

Myth has that large quantities of WWII surplus material were stockpiled at the end of the war in a disused mine under the grounds of this military facility and the military once in a while does a little "spring cleaning", throwing away the goods in worst conditions and selling off the rest.

Is there any kernel of truth in this?

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Tires look salvageable.

I know, was thinking the same thing. ;) I've probably ridden on worse in the day. :eek:




Looks like they would buff-out…


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I was told that many of the goods supplied to the US and England during the war were forbidden as part of the purchase contract to be returned and sold as surplus. I have read that this was standard practice as a result of many companies having to compete with there own war surplus products at the end of WWI.

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