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Fuel Gauge Weirdness


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Morning all!


So riding into the office this AM, tank was on less than 20 miles till empty so I popped in and filled up with £25, put the level to just over half.


Then half way up the M4 the gauge had no bars, the fuel light was on and it said <176 miles till empty?!! After about 5/8 mins it came back ok. Then about 15 minutes later it did the same, and then again in the same sort of time.


Do you think my fuel strip is on the way out?!?

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Yes, it's very possible your fuel gauge it's on its way out... however I've had one very similar occurrence when the bike was less than year old, with fuel level jumping all over the place.

It corrected itself when I refilled the next time and, since it hasn't happened again I haven't bothered to investigate it any further. I had the diagnostics checked for a fault code during next service and no code showed up. Go figure, these bikes are complicated! ;)

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You may have forgotten, or was not aware, that the "Miles to Empty" calculation

is based on miles since the last re-set.


Too many miles can cause the calculation to be slow and eventually not accurate. You can re-set it by holding the button down till it changes while in the miles to empty setting.


This may help or may not. You could have a bad fuel strip of course but try the re-set before worrying.

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This is not the "miles to empty" from the BC option (onboard computer), I don't have that - it's the default reserve warning. That normally counts down from around 40 miles

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My advice would be to fill up (full tank) from another fuel station and see how the indicator behaves.

It worked in my case and you are going to need the fuel anyway... :)

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Meanwhile, if you don't do already, reset your trip once you've filled up.

It won't stop any gremlins in the fuel strip / fuel gauge system, but will give you an idea of how much fuel you actually have left.


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Meanwhile, if you don't do already, reset your trip once you've filled up.


+1 (I have no faith that the fuel strip is going to last forever and using a trip meter is a smart backup)

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So I tanked up this AM - after the 30/60 secs as usual the level went up to full. All good I think....


But, when I got up to the A4 I stalled and when I restarted the tank registered at 1/4 full (same position it was in before I filled) and then after 30 seconds the gauge did a weird "creep" up to full - never seen it do that only ever straight to the level.

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