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watch this idiot


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To quote Ron White - "You can't fix stupid..." :rofl:


What I don't understand is why GoPro would associate themselves with this person and this act? The audio even starts out with a PSA about staying safe, and this rider does the exact opposite.



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To quote Ron White - "You can't fix stupid..." :rofl:


What I don't understand is why GoPro would associate themselves with this person and this act? The audio even starts out with a PSA about staying safe, and this rider does the exact opposite.




As a previous poster stated, the camera did really well DESPITE its operator's lack of critical thinking (unless he WAS on the way to pick up some buds - I mean, then he clearly HAD to get across that little creek). Perhaps they are gearing up for an ad campaign along the lines of, simple enough to operate and strong enough to withstand even the stupidest of camera operators.


Or they could go with something simpler - "GoPro: Dude, hold my beer and watch this..."

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I thought the rider did very well!!!! Most of us wouldn't have made it past the first 20 feet!!


As for unsafe? Not too much. Riding in water / mud can be fun! But not so good for the bike.



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Joe Frickin' Friday
I thought the rider did very well!!!! Most of us wouldn't have made it past the first 20 feet!!


As for unsafe? Not too much. Riding in water / mud can be fun! But not so good for the bike.




Deep stagnant water? No big danger.


Deep moving water? Very dangerous. The rider is lucky he wasn't pinned underwater against a tree by his bike.


BTW, did he lose his bike?

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According to the description under the video:


"Nearly 2 weeks later, Michael was able to recover his bike and begin the rebuilding process."


That flooding in the Boulder area was record breaking. Trying to ride through moving water under these conditions is really dangerous. There was so much water coming out of the foothills that streams actually cut brand new channels, taking out roads and buildings. He is very lucky to have survived that stunt.

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There is a poster of John Wayne wearing an army uniform. Caption reads, Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid.


Don't know what else to say.

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I thought the rider did very well!!!! Most of us wouldn't have made it past the first 20 feet!!


As for unsafe? Not too much. Riding in water / mud can be fun! But not so good for the bike.




Deep stagnant water? No big danger.


Deep moving water? Very dangerous. The rider is lucky he wasn't pinned underwater against a tree by his bike.


BTW, did he lose his bike?


I've crossed moving streams/rivers many times....it's a pretty common thing for a dualsport rider.


Would I have crossed that particular flooded road...no, probably not. The flow rate looked to be pretty high and wide. It's one thing to blast through a short stretch of quick water where you can let your inertia carry you, but a long crossing like that is a different story.


Also...that guy wasn't on a dualsport...he's on a SuperMotard. (DRZ400SM) When the bike goes over, you can see he's got the small front wheel with a street tire. That means he would have had very little traction once he hit the mud and rocks.



And yeah...he's lucky it didn't turn out worse than it did.

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Well, stupid survived. Interesting right up to when . . . and then the grass. It's been a long time since I've done a stream, but it was a ford I was familiar with at low flow. Now, I don't mix the two. Besides an RT (500 + lbs) doesn't mix with flowing water.

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Things could have been a lot worse. He should be held responsible for trying to do something very stupid. He can do something stupid that may end his life and that would be his choice, BUT...emergency responders would be responsible for trying to save him. They can't just say "let his dumb azz drown"


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