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Newbie with a decision to make


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Hi All - Found your forum a while back to research a new purchase. I currently ride a '03 C Pheonix and have started searching for an R for longer rides with my S. Florida friends. Still fond of naked bikes tho, so an R with a windscreen and some cases is what I'm thinking.

I've narrowed down my search to a '00 1100 with 900 miles (low miles kinda scary, private party, currently in dealer to get service to run again), a '02 R1150 with 16k (from a dealer, $5300, already fitted with windshield and side cases), and an '05 with 4k (private party, $5900, no cases, windshield, braided brake lines, self serviced).

Any input would be greatly appreciated.



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The two 1150's look far more promising... the dealer bike is both cheaper and comes with cases (if genuine BMW items they are good money) so if prices stays that way it's a no-brainer.

At such low mileages both bikes are not even fully run-in... :grin:

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16K on a Beemer is nothing. The 1150 has the 6-speed trans and the dealer bike has bags and the windshield. It's also taken most of the depreciation already. The private party bike will not be worth much more even after you drop $1200 on it for bags and a good windshield.

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Personally, I wouldn't get the 1150 because of the unnecessarily complicated and (IMO) horrible brakes.


That said...if the brakes don't bother you, the dealer bike definitely appears to be the way to go. Fernando's right...16K is nothing, so don't let the miles bother you.

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I have an '05 and that is a crazy price.


The '05's were a vast improvement over the previous generation. R1150RTs were heavier, prone to surging, and other things the newer generation fixed.


Some guys will say the linked brakes… are a pain… but the advantages are there too. The only downside is that a brake fluid change is one step more involved… not harder, just one more step.


The price on the '05 is way below market. Jump on it, but negotiate a dealer service brake fluid service into the deal. You will not have to worry about it for another 24k miles. Cases are available.


Where are you? Probably someone on this board who can help you evaluate your bike options.


and… on the '05 the "normal" break in point is generally about 18k miles. Bonus for you.

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Some guys will say the linked brakes… are a pain… but the advantages are there too. The only downside is that a brake fluid change is one step more involved… not harder, just one more step.


Not true.


In addition to the disadvantage of not having independent control of the brakes (which may or may not be a problem, depending on how you ride and your skill level) the power assist system is grotesquely expensive to replace when it fails. And when it fails, the residual braking that it leaves you with is barely adequate.


Failures of the power assist system are not common, but they do happen.


The advantage (allowing you to be lazy and/or use bad technique) may well outweigh those disadvantages for a given rider, but you need to weigh the advantages/disadvantages to come up with a decision that makes the most sense to you personally.

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I have the linked zippy brakes on my '05 ST and they do take some getting used to . . . the amount of force needed to activate maximum braking is far less than any other motorcycle I've ridden. However, once you get used to it, it's not a big deal.


Russell does make a good point about the loss of power assist, though. It would behoove anyone who owns a bike with this system to occasionally hit the kill switch and practice power-off braking. The system goes from being ultra-sensitive to requiring a tremendous amount of force to achieve effective braking. You ignore this characteristic at your peril.

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Thanks for all of your input. I have decided to go with the '02 Atlanta Blue R1150R with 16k miles. Max BMW-NH has takin good care of me and now the wait for delivery.

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