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Good afternoon guys,

I am preparing to purchase a 99 1100R fully dressed out from a relative. It has 15,000 miles on the clock,thrown in are two helmets with intercom etc...Purchase price is 2000.00.

New tires a year ago,and hasnt been ridden since.

Im used to the Kawasaki,s,and Honda 4,s but not the BMW...


Would love to hear from you concerning what to "expect".

Im sure the Battery needs replacing,and he said it had some alternator issue...won,t know until I get it home.Thanks in advance for any replies!

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Pictures... need to know if it's a fast color...


Find out about service history, if there is any.

Expect to perform a complete service and inspection. Then go from there.


At 2K I feel you got a good deal. However, since it's a relative you need to negotiate...


Enjoy the ride!



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I expect others will try to buy it from you and give you a profit!


Glad to have you here. Others will fill you in on what you should do.


How about a pic?


Adding a location and a real name is a kind thing to do. (Kerhonkson, NY 12446 ?) It allows others near you to invite you on a ride. If we meet you in person, it's kind of hard to say "HI, N5926G",





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Thanks for the quick reply! Only have one pic,and he did a "video"....Ill have to see if I can get a frame out of it to post.Its the usual Black and silver. Factory fairing,saddlebags,trunk etc.Knowing Chuck,he has all the maintenance records.I am in North Mississippi,He is in Covington La.Going to go down and get her sometime in the next few weeks.IF I can get him to take an actual digital,Ill post it.

I work on Air Transport Weather Radar,so IF there is an Alternator issue,I figure I can fix it.

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Got to say Im REALLY looking forward to picking her up.I have restored a KZ-1000 Kawasaki,and numerous Honda 4,s.Never been a "normal" rider,but with this bike I think that will change.NOW, I just have to get the wife to "get on board"...She had no problem with flying in our Cessna 150,but seems to have an "aversion" to motorcycles.......

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My wife doesn't ride but doesn't mind if I go on long trips.


Going to Colorado for 2 weeks in July then a long trip to Nova Scotia for the Salty Fog Rally the first week in Sept.


I had a R 1100 R but wasn't "man enough" to ride it with my pant legs flapping in the wind. :grin: Mine was the anniversary edition with wire spoke tubeless rims and hand painted pin stripe on black tank.


But it is a lot more responsive than my RT with the same engine but a lot less weight.


They are great handling bikes and I'm sure you will take to it like a duck to water.



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I texted the present owner,and requested some "normal" pics...Once he does Ill post.Thanks guys! You make a newbie feel at home!

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Welcome on board.

At 15k miles you have bought a basically new bike. The age may bring about more things to check and rehab but it is actually not even really broken-in yet.


I have a '99 R1100S which is that same motor but in a more "sporty" configuration. You will enjoy this bike from the very first ride for many more years.


Thanks for posting where you are from. That is helpful and you will, no doubt, find pals to help you through the get-acquainted phase well into the ride-buddy phase.


I am a native of Memphis so I know where Hernando is… and … I was N7821X… see you on the road.

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Actually,I got two pics from Chuck(owner) today,and it is an 1100RT....Would love to post them,but dont know how....Pointers please!.....:-)

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Actually,I got two pics ....Would love to post them,but dont know how....Pointers please!.....:-)


http://photobucket.com/ is your friend. :thumbsup: Sign up with them and upload your pictures there first. Let us know when you have that done then we can show you where to post them. ;)


Welcome, :wave: got a name?



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Wow, that was quick! :thumbsup: Ok, see the picture of the envelope just above where you're typing when you post here? Click on the photo icon just to the right of it. Paste your copied photo from photobucket on the first line reading "insert a non-floating image". That should do it. Hope it works for you Alan! :thumbsup:




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Been a LONG time since I used Photobucket....The pics are there,but evidently thats where my brain cells start to fail...cant figure it out....For those on Facebook,I was able to post them there....look up Alan Sweet,and hopefully you can see them there....:-)

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Things seem to be working a bit differently getting the pics to post properly from photobucket for me. Not sure if it's jumping between an iPad and computer.


On the iPad you have to enlarge the pic at PB and then copy it. On the PC you still copy the URL I think. Also noticed sometimes you need to remove the http:// in the photo tab here.


That's about all I got. Good luck and like I said, keep at it.




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Any 99 is old enough to have a host of minor things that need PM work if you expect it to be long term reliable.


When I buy an older used bike (for example, I bought an 89 Transalp last year), I first do a complete lube service accompanied by a careful visual inspection to set a known baseline and cover any gaps in knowledge of past services. While doing this I get a shop manual for the machine and teach myself about its systems and design. Then I search the relevant forums for know issues with the model and address them to my satisfaction, sometimes doing updates to address known vulnerabilities (you are in the right place for that for sure). For example, R1100s can have fuel hose issues as they age and the older design FD is more prone to needing rebuild than new big hole designs. Splines can also be an issue.


I'm a bit of a practical perfectionist about PM and factor my own experiences with machinery into my choices of what and what not to do. I tend to keep machines many years and miles so that works for me. You no doubt have your own approach to what works for you and your situation - maybe you buy new stuff every couple of years so don't care about longevity, for example.


You're at place where you can get solid answers to specific questions so have at it as you dig into your new purchase. Know that what you bought is a very durable machine if well cared for- the motor is capable of going far beyond 100K, for example. How much of that you get or want is up to you.


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Afternoon n5926g


You have to post the link to the SPECIFIC picture you loaded to Photobucket.


Find your picture in Photobucket (probably in library). Then hover the mouse pointer over the picture, then hover your mouse pointer on the gear looking thingie on the picture & that will open a list.


On that list left click on DIRECT & copy the URL that shows up (that is the actual path to your picture). Then paste that copied URL in the

(enter image icon on your post here)

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Got to the "gear" thing,and there is no "direct" on that pull down menu...any idea,s?


On the gear menus try clicking on get links, then click on direct.

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Im thinking this laptop may be the culprit.... Nothing to hide here.... go to photobucket,user name is mongo26,password is mongo1234....Pics are there....and YES I DO like Blazing Saddles!......:-)

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and… That does not look like a stock seat. Thinking it may be a Russel Day Long… You might want to ask the previous owner if this is try and if the original is available.


Or perhaps it is just the way the photo looks.

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Jordan Thienel

Very nice! I picked my 1100RT up a couple years ago with about 68,000 and now it has 75,000 miles, still running like a champ!



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Have no clue about the seat,Im sure whatever he has for the bike,he will "throw in"...I know Im getting two helmets with Intercoms.

Been looking for rental motorcycle trailers,and U-Haul has one,but its NOT one-way...so I have to take it back to the original rental place...Not going to do that.I have a LWB F-150,that Im relatively sure it will fit in,but don,t have the "fuzzy,s" about loading her into a truck bed 3 feet above the ground.....Decisions,decisions......

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Enough about the bike. Tell us about the Cessna... Oh, and welcome!


Found the Ole girl sitting on the ramp at a local airport,Deemed a "Ramp Queen"...Had been sitting there for around 15 years. Bought her for 3500.00.Did ALOT of work on it(with the guidance of my A&P),and installed new Avionics,GPS/Comm with moving map etc.Certified as an IFR trainer later on.Overhauled the engine,and finished up my Private.Flew for about 5 years,and finally took an offer of 21,500 a few years back....Tracked her last flight,and it was about a week ago....Had a blast....


Oh,and BTW...The Bike comes home this weekend!!!!! Happy Happy Happy!

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Hi Alan and welcome aboard. I could tell you that you'll enjoy this place but I can see with your enthusiasm you already are.


PS go change your password to your photobucket ASAP. You don't want some stranger posting porn on it and directing people to it!

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Welcome to the asylum :) !


FYI - Your alternator "issue" could well be an easy fix :the alternator belt. Especially given the age of the bike and if it has never been replaced or replaced some time ago and never adjusted :thumbsup: !

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Hi Alan and welcome aboard. I could tell you that you'll enjoy this place but I can see with your enthusiasm you already are.


PS go change your password to your photobucket ASAP. You don't want some stranger posting porn on it and directing people to it!


DONE!!! and thanks for the suggestion....!

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Ok Guys....She is HOME...Now Im gonna have a ton of questions...starting with...The 4 bolts on the cylinder head have corrosion,and some rust issues...are these removable(one at the time) for cleaning etc,or are they actually cylinder bolts?

The main thing Ive seen so far is rusty/corroded hardware(It was in Louisianna most of its life) Ive got to tackle this first....suggestions welcome!

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Ok Guys....She is HOME...Now Im gonna have a ton of questions...starting with...The 4 bolts on the cylinder head have corrosion,and some rust issues...are these removable(one at the time) for cleaning etc,or are they actually cylinder bolts?

The main thing Ive seen so far is rusty/corroded hardware(It was in Louisianna most of its life) Ive got to tackle this first....suggestions welcome!


First, let's get a clearer picture of which bolts you're talking about. Are they Cylinder Head bolts or are they Valve Cover bolts? I think you're talking about the latter, as cylinder head bolts are underneath the valve covers. If that's the case, then there are some things you need to know about the valve cover bolts. Yes, they are removable. You have to work them through a grommet, but they will come out. Second, these are "shouldered" bolts which tighten up against themselves (i.e. there's a shoulder on the shank of the bolt that bottoms out against the cylinder head when tightening). So, when you reinstall the valve cover, do NOT tighten the bolts any more than just a little or you'll strip the threads in the head. The purpose of the bolts is to lightly compress the valve cover's rubber gasket. No more.

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Thanks, I kinda figured they were just valve cover bolts, but wasn,t sure.Looked over her,and there is no owners manual in any of the compartments.I have pulled all the plastic,so its easier to inspect.Brake line hoses are rusted,and both break resivoirs are empty. Mainly corrosion,and some missing hardware so far.Bogus battery was put in,but I have a factory new one to install.Since Im a VERY picky person,this is gonna take awhile before she,s on the road...also noticed the spark plug covers are missing....One good thing here,is its only got 14,000 miles on the clock...:-)

Thanks for the reply!

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Went through some extensive suggestions for another new member in this thread here. Learned a lot when I bought a used, 14,000 mile 1100RT that had been sitting virtually unridden in a Mesa, AZ garage for about 5 years. Fortunately, it was my second 1100RT so I knew what to look for. But I still got blindsided by throttle cables that were supposed to have been changed, and an overly brittle fuel rail that almost left me stranded in Utah. Fortunately, we have friends everywhere and I was able to get her running and back home where I initiated more permanent repairs.


Take the time to get to know your Beemer. Ask questions. I've been on this board for 15 years. Lots of other long-time members. We're here to help. And the fact that you've already tackled the Tupperware on your own tells us that you won't need hand holding, just advice. Makes for better results when you've got a proactive person on the other end.


Getting your Beemer into reliable shape may take some money, or maybe even a bit more than that, plus it will take your time. But it's a fantastic bike, with a lot of character, and the ability to take you anywhere, quickly, and with all your stuff in the bags.

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Went through some extensive suggestions for another new member in this thread here. Learned a lot when I bought a used, 14,000 mile 1100RT that had been sitting virtually unridden in a Mesa, AZ garage for about 5 years. Fortunately, it was my second 1100RT so I knew what to look for. But I still got blindsided by throttle cables that were supposed to have been changed, and an overly brittle fuel rail that almost left me stranded in Utah. Fortunately, we have friends everywhere and I was able to get her running and back home where I initiated more permanent repairs.


Take the time to get to know your Beemer. Ask questions. I've been on this board for 15 years. Lots of other long-time members. We're here to help. And the fact that you've already tackled the Tupperware on your own tells us that you won't need hand holding, just advice. Makes for better results when you've got a proactive person on the other end.



I plan to go over it with a "fine tooth comb"..Im really ready to ride it,but first things first.Guess my pilot training has paid off...it aint ready till its ready.Now to figure out how to get this bogus battery out,and put in the correct one!...:-) Cheers!

Getting your Beemer into reliable shape may take some money, or maybe even a bit more than that, plus it will take your time. But it's a fantastic bike, with a lot of character, and the ability to take you anywhere, quickly, and with all your stuff in the bags.

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Bone dry reservoirs is most likely not a good indicator of required and preventitive maintenance.


If your ABS is kerputski take a deep breath...


Good luck.

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