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First ride of the New Year


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I took a little (about 200 mile) ride today up the Rhine and over to the Moselle River valley. Nice twisty roads and really neat scenery. It was a balmy 39 degrees when I left.


This first castle is only about 10 miles away from my house on the Rhine river.




This is Burg Reichenstein and is also on the Rhine. The gate was locked so couldn't get any further up the road.




Another random castle on the Rhine




An attempt at trying to be artsy....




After cutting off from the Rhine, it was a FUN ride over to the Moselle River valley.


Burg Metternich. This is on the Moselle River.




Reichsburg Cochem. Also on the Moselle River.




There is another road up the mountain to the left of where I took this picture. You are able to look down at this fortress from that dizzying height. As it was, I pulled over to take this one. Thirty seconds later a guy pulled up. First to make sure I was ok, then I think to yell at me for pulling over on the side of the road. I gave him a loud 'Thank you' and sped off with a friendly wave.




Burg Thurant. On the Moselle River.




Lookout from Burg Thurant over the Moselle River valley.




Cool old church on the Moselle river.







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The weather has been pretty good. No snow yet but they say it's coming soon.


Playground is right. It is fantastic riding here. I cannot wait until this spring. I have a trip to the Alps planned with a couple of friends who are flying in to join me.

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Beautiful pictures, thank you for sharing. I visited Germany (Hamburg) once in 2012 on a Queen Mary 2 cruise. Beautiful country, I would like to go back and see more.

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I used to love to take drives in Germany. I didn't ride at the time. I was stationed in Illesheim and my buddy John was stationed in Wurtzburg. Ran all over the place in Bavaria. Most beautiful area s in Germany. Io was there 1986 - 1989. 10th attack AHB, then up to Katterbach with the 1/1 Cav. All under 1st AD.


Thanks for the run down memory lane.

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Although I've passed through Germany en route to some pretty bad places, this is actually my first time being stationed here. Korea has been my home for over 12 out of the 26 years I've been in. I REALLY look forward to a lot of cool riding while here and sharing/helping bring back memories with those that have been here.



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I know....it's going to hit 60F tomorrow. Apparently the states have accounted for all of our cold weather....I'm not complaining. Going for another ride this weekend if the weather holds.

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