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Hello finally...


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Been registered here for a while but just for reading purposes.


However, recently I bought an oilhead and thought I may as well stick my head out and say hello ... and happy New Year, happy birthday, Merry Christmas, and pleasant whatever you have coming up next year.


Regards to all,



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Congrats on the RT, excellent model year if I do say so myself :thumbsup:


Now we have a rule around here: no pictures and it never happened! So let's see some pics of the new steed! And welcome!

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Wow, you've been around for a while! In what part of the world are you located? Congrats on the new ride and welcome to the mic, Rick. :grin:




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Glad to have you posting.


Pic of new bike is required. :wave::grin:


And where you are located is always nice to know.


Looking forward to reading some ride reports after you have been on a trip(s).

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Thanks for the words of welcome.


Pictures -- as soon as we get some suitable weather. Over the last week we've had one rain-free window around here where I got to take an afternoon ride. Even then it was overcast. The times we have had sunshine the last two weeks I was working.


Thanks again, and best regards to all -



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