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So, I'm officially "retired", but it doesn't feel any different

John Ranalletta

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John Ranalletta

Officially checked out of work after 16.5 years of rewarding work with great bunch of clients and colleagues. "Retiring" kicks in continuing pay programs, etc., but retirement likely won't last long. Aside from some project work for the company I'm leaving, I have opportunities for consulting work that complies with my non-compete.


I still own part of the business; a part of the building; and, a deep respect and appreciation for the people I'm leaving, most of whom I've trained as well as a deep gratitude for clients, some of whom have engaged for over a decade including Jabil, Texas Roadhouse, California Pizza Kitchen, Thorntons, Inc., Behr Heat Transfer, Magna Powertrain, McCoig Asphalt, Circle K, Red Gold (15 yrs); Rotary Lift (VSG), Heil Environmental (ESG), Dover Ind. companies; and many smaller shops.


The future looks bright. After a month's sojourn in Naples, FL, we'll return to Indy to figure out what comes next; plan a ride to Glacier and the Canadian Rockies after the Indy MotoGP; and turn perfectly good, expensive hardwoods into large mounds of gourmet mulch with multiple power tools.


It's been a blast. I delivered a tearful farewell speech at our annual meeting, most of which will become the values statement for my intended practice.

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Dave McReynolds

Best of luck with your "retirement" John. I've been "retiring" for the past 2-3 years. The best I've been able to do is cut back to the extent that I can leave for my office after the morning rush hour and come home before the evening rush hour. But, hey, that's not a bad life, and what I've managed to cut out in accounting work I've replaced in activities that are as far from accounting as I can get.

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Congratulations on a successful transition to a new chapter in your life.


Give yourself plenty of time to make the trip to Glacier and the Canadian Rockies. The Ice Field Parkway is breath taking. Savor the memories you are making. I would go again in a heartbeat.


Your farewell address is full of sage advice. The most important, IMO, is that the best job is to be a successful parent.


Ride Well

Ride Often

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John Ranalletta

Thanks, Dave and Bud...


I awoke at 4a today framing material for the new website to support the "next life". I'm guessing the horse that drew the milk wagon awoke its first day of retirement and waited for the driver to arrive with the hame.

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Congratulations. Every time I hear one of the forum members calls it quits from the daily grind I get jealous. Enjoy it. I wish you well.

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John Ranalletta
Congratulations. Every time I hear one of the forum members calls it quits from the daily grind I get jealous. Enjoy it. I wish you well.
Thanks. I was blessed in that not one day of the 16+ years was ever a grind. Enjoyed every minute and it was never like working thanks to mentor and colleagues. Hired a young lady 10 years ago who accepted my retirement news as my boss. Thrilled to help young folks build careers.
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I retired 9 years ago. Thinking I would go nutso doing "nothing" (along with a LOT of my friends that were still working!), I continued doing 'odd jobs' in my field (Financial Services. Mainly consulting, exchange committee and expert witness work for a couple of years afterwards.


I found that it started interfering with my new "life" and so just went into "full time" retirement mode.


I now have a full and more interesting life with no third party interference whatsoever. A quite liberating experience :)!


Enjoy the rest of your life mate....... :thumbsup:

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Enjoy it.


I quit 13 years ago to raise my children. I enjoyed working for an exciting company that went from 300,000 customers to 33,000,000 during my tenure, but the only thing I miss is the paycheck. ;)

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Congratulations to you.


We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the Glacier and Banff areas this last summer. Plus 1 on what Bud said "Give yourself plenty of time to make the trip to Glacier and the Canadian Rockies. The Ice Field Parkway is breath taking. Savor the memories you are making. I would go again in a heartbeat."

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Congratulations John, I am sure you will find many rewarding things to do with your time. I don't picture you going into anything unprepared.

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I retired 4+ years ago. I loved my job, but I like retirement better. I live 2 miles from my former office, and I didn't even visit for about 6 months.


No part-time or consulting for me. I'm having too much fun!

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Congrats John. I hope the next chapters are good ones, nice speech. I will have to produce one of those in about 10 months.


Best in 2014 and beyond.

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