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I just got my latest issue of Rider magazine. Editor Mark Tuttle sums up the what to pack on a tour question quite nicely.


"Remember that money is light--take twice as much of it and half the stuff."

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It's curious, because I feel like money is the heaviest part of the gear I usually haul around... so my advice is to take double the stuff and half the money! :rofl:

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It's curious, because I feel like money is the heaviest part of the gear I usually haul around... so my advice is to take double the stuff and half the money! :rofl:


Maybe it's different with that European money? :)

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It's curious, because I feel like money is the heaviest part of the gear I usually haul around... so my advice is to take double the stuff and half the money! :rofl:


Maybe it's different with that European money? :)


No, money is "heavy" in the sense I know I will spend what I take with me on a trip... and you know the cheapest part on a BMW is the rider. ;)

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