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Clutch change and i also have a rubbing sound


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i have taken appart me 2003 1150r to change the clutch. fluid from the out put cylineder clutch was leaking on the clutch assembly. befor i stoped riding the transmission mede a rubbing sound. it also makes the sound why seating in neurtal. i think that one of the grooved ball bearing on the ends of the spline shaft have went out. the spline will spine but it sticks. any advice or suggestions.

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Morning Nick


Yes, the trans has to be split apart to change the bearings.


On your rubbing noise?-- for us to help you there we will need a LOT more info from you on what it sounds like, when it happens, does it change cold to hot, is it at engine RPM or a at some off order?


As you have found out it is very difficult to pinpoint a trans noise with the bike running in front of you & almost impossible over the internet without massive amounts of info from the rider.


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Thanks for the info I think that the bearings are the problem. After I took the bike apart when I would spin the spline shaft it would stick.the bike would make the rubbing sound even in neutral.it not a hot or cold thing it does it as soon as you start the bike. Any advise on split the transmission?

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Afternoon Nick


The BMW 1150 6 speed trans is pain to set up yourself at home. There are height fixtures needed to set the shaft spacing & stack height.


It CAN be done at home using a TALL height gauge (the way I do it) or even setting up some basic measurements using the trans case as a fixture .


It's way too complicated to just post a few sentences here & have you do it properly.


My suggestion is to get a BMW service manual then read & study it many times until you know exactly what needs to be set up. Then see what you have available to make or circumvent the needed BMW fixtures.


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