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St-Pierre Island, NF, Canada (Fr)


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Has anyone done a ride to St-Pierre, a French owned Island off the coast of Newfoundland? I've been thinking about doing this ride for 25 years, think I will finally do it this year. Only 1900 miles from my house with two ferry rides.

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Haven't but always wanted to go there as well. If you get no replies here have a look on adventure rider.com and make your way to the Canada page (under regions category) and make an inquiry there. There are several 'Newfs' who hang out there especially on the "Making a Cross Canada Trail" thread which by the way is up and running with free online maps available.

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Just curious, what's on the island that is so interesting? Plenty to see on the Rock itself. :thumbsup:


Gros Morne



L'Anse aux Meadows L%27Anse_aux_Meadows%2C_recreated_long_house.jpg


St Johns



Cape St Mary Ecological Reserve












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