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Santa has been

Gary in Aus

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It's nearly 7 am and Santa has been .


Four year old grandson is a mass of wriggling waiting for his parents to finally come down stairs so we can open presents.


Weather looks a bit ordinary , only expecting around 24 degrees but ocean is around 21 so will still be surfing as soon as presents opened and then breakfast.


This year is wife's family turn so we have around 18 in-laws for lunch , most live in rural NSW so they also stay with us as well for a holiday on the beach.


Traditional Christmas fare for lunch of prawns , lobsters , oysters , Balmain bugs, ham and this year some fresh abalone with a range of salads . Finishing with hot plum pudding and cold custard .


Major present from Santa is a Royal Grey 2014 Holden Colorado LTZ {delivered on the 24th }which my youngest daughter is "borrowing" on the 2nd of January to take her and her boyfriend to Gladstone in QLD , then they catch a barge to Lady Musgrove Island for 3 and a half weeks of scuba diving the reef .


When I was an impoverished university student we worked during uni break , sound like a grumpy old man.


Anyway , family finally coming down stairs , so Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you , your family and friends ,


regards Gary

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Merry XMAS

My slightly autistic 11 year old son decided that 04:00AM was enough sleep for daddy and it was time to get up.

Never mind that daddy was still assembling his new BMX bike at 12:30AM!!!

Weather gone colder and we have to do the "family" thing with with the rest of wifey's family soon.

I tried to get out of it, but she wouldn't have a bar of it. Didn't see HER getting up at 04:00AM...grrrrr


Bugger the ocean..I got a pool that was 34 degrees Celsius just a couple of days ago.


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Merry Christmas to all of our international friends! I hope 2014 brings health and happiness to you and yours! :wave:





What Pat said. :wave:

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Kids grown, having Christmas morning at their house.


I miss watching them tear open the carefully wrapped gifts.


We will do family gift exchange on New Years Day, along with the traditional polar bear plunge!

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