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Rough Running RT - FIXED!


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Hello All,


Thanks again to those who offered advice for my rough running, new to me, 04 R1150RT. The consensus was replace the stick coils, so I did. No help! Next, I contacted a independent BMW tech who works from his home. It turns out that this guy is a BMW master mechanic who teaches at a institute that certifies BMW techs. He very carefully looked over my bike and could find nothing wrong with the electrical or plumbing. He noted that the fuel line QDs had been replaced by Tulsa BMW. Problem is, they miss-routed the QDs outboard of the throttle cable. The QDs impinged on the throttle cable upsetting the balance ever so slightly, thus the ever changing intensity of the problem. He rerouted the QDs and checked the balance, near perfect unadjusted. He tweaked the balance and sent me on my way in two hours. I am a happy man!


If you are within riding distance of Orlando, FL and you would like his contact information, PM me. Oh, did I mention he is about half the price of the dealership. In addition you can watch and ask questions and get advice and instructions, try that at a dealership...


Now want to offer a something to the Forum for all of the kind help you have been: Since there seems to be no good check of partially functioning stick coils, short costly of replacement, I offer my functioning stick coils to the forum for diagnosis. Just pay the freight both ways. If it fixes your problem and you want to buy one or both coils we can work something out. If not just send them back. Fair enough?



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Hi Overbyte.

I am glad you have the problem sorted. I did a search (but I am not very good with the search engine on this forum). I couldn't find your original post that asked for help to sort out this problem.

However, generally some of the first advice is along the lines of: Is there grit affecting the throttle cables, are the ferrules correctly seated in the throttle body holders and generally throttle cable related advice before going off on more exotic solutions. I am surprised this wasn't found sooner if the tank came on and off regularly, as the QD's would have been disconnected many times.

Anyhow, all's well etc.

Thanks for letting us know.


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that is a very common problem and what i referred to when i asked about the throttle cable. once it happens (and it happens to some of us) it will never happen again.


happy riding.


PS-your stick coils would've gone sometime in the near future so new ones are a good investment.

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I have the same problem re: Forum search.

I guess the problem would have been found sooner if I knew what it should look like. I would have never noticed miss routed fuel lines. "So soon old, so late smart"



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When you said throttle cables I assumed you were talking about routing that would change the condition with handlebar position. Like you said, "it won't happen to ME again." It's all part of the learning process. My only regret is that I missed some good riding days.



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