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Chics with Guns


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Danny caddyshack Noonan

Nice David!


Hmmmm, only noticed three or four guns in all of those pictures though. I'll have to look again.


Having worked in Monte Sereno, not surprised by the expensive furnishings and woodwork in the fifth photo.

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Just a damn good pilot. If she were in the US, one of our members would have trained her at Fort Rucker.


Slight hijack.




I was working at in processing at Ft. Benning, Ga in 1970. I processed a British citizen who was washed out of chopper school at Ft. Rucker. I asked him, since he joined the US Army voluntarily why he just didn't go back to England. He replied that his wife was a US citizen and he wanted to be able to travel here in the future.


BTW he said that due to the war winding down, they were looking for any excuse to get rid of you. He said he was washed out because in morning inspection his gig line wasn't straight.


I know that the Infantry OCS at Benning was dropping people left and right. Including offering early outs to guys one week away from being commissioned a second luey.


Those were strange times.


hijack off

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I think this is rather good photography.

Some of you have seen these photos, some have not.

I enjoyed seeing them again.




I don't intend to make this political, but in looking at those pictures and reading the descriptions, the impression I left with was that a "chick" with a gun is either in law enforcement or quite wealthy.


Again, just an observation/impression.


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I think this is rather good photography.

Some of you have seen these photos, some have not.

I enjoyed seeing them again.




I don't intend to make this political, but in looking at those pictures and reading the descriptions, the impression I left with was that a "chick" with a gun is either in law enforcement or quite wealthy.


Again, just an observation/impression.


or Caucasian.

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I think this is rather good photography.

Some of you have seen these photos, some have not.

I enjoyed seeing them again.




I don't intend to make this political, but in looking at those pictures and reading the descriptions, the impression I left with was that a "chick" with a gun is either in law enforcement or quite wealthy.


Again, just an observation/impression.


or Caucasian.


Or right handed.



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I think this is rather good photography.

Some of you have seen these photos, some have not.

I enjoyed seeing them again.




I don't intend to make this political, but in looking at those pictures and reading the descriptions, the impression I left with was that a "chick" with a gun is either in law enforcement or quite wealthy.


Again, just an observation/impression.


or Caucasian.


Or right handed.




Well that's a back handed compliment. :rofl:

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I don't intend to make this political, but in looking at those pictures and reading the descriptions, the impression I left with was that a "chick" with a gun is either in law enforcement or quite wealthy.
If you get the book you'll see that all races & socio-economic backgrounds are represented in her photos. Why the author or editor of the article only chose to show right handed white women is a different question :)
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Captain Joanna Gordon, big gun! :grin::thumbsup:





Their callsign is "Ugly". Doesn't quite fit that one huh?


God bless the troops, all of them!

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...and, in at least one case, obviously untrained in the proper handling of a firearm....


Are you referring to the first photo where she looks like she is about to put a hole in what I can only imagine is a very nice floor?


Also, if the book is a bit more diverse I would like to take a look - I'll have to keep an eye out next time I'm in the local bookshop.


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I enjoyed the photography for being good photography. I don't feel the need to look for a reason that it might offend someone. There's more than enough 'stuff' going on right now to be pissed about.

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Captain Joanna Gordon, big gun! :grin::thumbsup:





Their callsign is "Ugly". Doesn't quite fit that one huh?


God bless the troops, all of them!


Perhaps they were referring to the aircraft, not the pilot???? ( Sure wish he had a :dunno GIF)

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Their callsign is "Ugly". Doesn't quite fit that one huh?


Perhaps they were referring to the aircraft, not the pilot???? ( Sure wish he had a :dunno GIF)


Yeah, the aircraft may have a little bit of "GS Ugly" to it. The pilot, NA!




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  • 3 weeks later...

Found this last night after watching a Patty Hearst documentary. If it's not the crowning glory of a "chics with guns" thread, then it's damn close :-)



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I see a number of women at my gun club shooting, but I would not dare take their pictures without their permission. Since they shoot better than me, don't think I'll ask either.

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If you guys want to see hot chicks with guns, just "like" IDF Girls on Facebook. Or look them up on Google. There are no finer examples anywhere.



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