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It's Time To Say "Thank You."


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The Christmas Season is upon us, and the end of the year will quickly follow. 2013 is headed for the history stack, and in less than two weeks 2014 will be the world's new home. So we thought we'd take these last days of the year and post this so that everyone has time to see it during their busy holiday schedules.


Here at BMWST.com it means we've all gone through another year of asking, answering, riding, fixing, farkling, upgrading, sharing, telling, commiserating, joking, laughing, crying (sad, but sometime inescapable), and growing this community. There have been new board members who've come aboard, old members who've sold off their bikes and moved on, and a whole bunch of existing members who make this their home on at least a weekly basis, and most often on a daily basis.


The Admin Team is entrusted to keep this place interesting and forward moving, without giving up the homey comfort that makes it appealing to so many. And we would like to thank you ALL. We've had an issue or three to deal with this year, but this place works because of 99.9% of everyone else here. You help, advise, mentor and guide. You share, buy, sell, exchange and give away what you no longer need, or are looking to fill a need. Every year you create thousands and thousands of posts, giving of yourselves and your knowledge and experiences, to aid people whom you only know online, for the most part. You ride to events, Torrey, RBR, BBB, UnRally and many others. You also organize local rides, partaking in group experiences that enrich your lives and those with whom you ride. In other words, we are the caretakers, but it is YOU who keep this place alive, who give it its heart, who welcome new members like old friends, and who make it feel like we're all together, when we're sometimes a nation apart, and even a world apart.


As this year winds down, it's time to say THANK YOU to all of you who make BMWSportTouring.com your second home. We're all better off because of each and every one of you.


So take a moment to acknowledge your friends here. Say thanks for their kindness. Appreciate their contributions and what you've learned from them. Be glad they didn't post that embarrassing photo of you. And show gratitude for those who organized rides, or Tech Days, or lunches, or had the right tool on the road, or just gave you that extra sense of confidence to move forward with a purchasing decision or service procedure that made your riding more enjoyable.


And let's do it again in 2014.












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I have been visiting this site for almost 10 years and it is one of the best communities on line.

Thanks to all for all I have learned.

I'll be making a donation this week.

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Jerry Johnston

Even though I don't visit the site as often as when I had my R1100RT I still thank you and wish all of you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

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Let me add my thanks.


I stumbled on this site a while back and immediately was welcomed by Momma Hoon.


Then rode to Gunny for my first UN and felt right at home.


Continued the tradition by riding to Blowing Rock and meeting new friends and greeting old friends.


Due to the common sense moderation, this is the most civil place I hang out on the "interwebthingy". :grin:

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Thanks for running the show Fernando.. Merry Christmas


I never liked you. You're only on here because the other members can tolerate you. Thank THEM, not me. :P:rofl:




Merry Christmas to you and yours, Wurty. Must be gettin' a bit cold in Ideeho 'bout now. Bundle up and stay warm. Our best to the Missus and to Wendy and Wyatt.

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My thanks to BMWST, and the crew that keep it going ,for really enhancing my BMW experience.


Happy Holidays and have a great riding season in 14'. :wave:

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I discovered this board soon after buying my 2004 R1150RT and have enjoyed it since. I don't write very much, but I always appreciated the help, comraderie, admins, and people who are on this place.


Have a happy, safe, and joyous holiday and New Year. . .

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I enjoyed so many great interactions on this forum in 2013, it's difficult for me to isolate any particular aspect of them for a specific, "thank you".


I suppose if I had to narrow it down from something other than a general thank you to the entire site and all who contribut it to, I'd have to give a hearty shoutout to the new moderators. I really appreciate the way they have stepped in and applied themselves with all the enthusiasm necessary to keep this web forum on course. They understand the attitude of providing thankless service to others, an ethic that is required to do this job. You all have performed your job wonderfully.


Yet I do send out a hearty thank you to the site in general, and to all the people here. And of course, I'd have to mention the "2013 College Football Thread", which is where a lot of the action I enjoy these days seems to take place :thumbsup:


Thanks all for a wonderful experience here :clap:

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Well folks, tis another year gone… but for this site , its admin's and the people who hang out here its really just the start of a fabulous new riding year. My life and many others are richer for it. I will look for you on the roads and in the threads to come.

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Hey, she gives way better hugs then yous guys! ;):grin::thumbsup:


Thank you all for the view of this open road! :thumbsup:



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I would like to say thank you to all of you who have kept his going. Over the last 7 years I have had the great pleasure of meeting some wonderful people, getting lots of good advice on maintenance and repair and was both entertained and educated by the sometimes spirited discussions. So to all of the mods both past and present and to all of you whom I have met both in person and on line I say THANK YOU!

My sincere wishes to all for a Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year!!

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Absolutely it is Time to Say Thank You.


I've only been on the site about a year but had learn so much about my new to me 1150RT. This is my "Go To" forum that is for sure. Hope to meet some of you in person at some point.....


Thank you, AGAIN.

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Newbie here.

Thanks to all that make possible to have this great site available to the Sport Touring community.


Have a great holiday season!!!



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I stumbled across this forum some months after I bought my 1998 R1100R. When I realized the wealth of information to be found I quickly joined. I subsequently found out about the camaraderie, friendliness and generosity of everyone here. In my mind this is the best motorcycle forum out there.


Merry Christmas to everyone and best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!


Mike and Georgi

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There are far too many people to thank here but, given the cheapest part on a BMW is the rider and mine is no exception, I'd like to save a special thank you to all the people who've saved me more than a buck or two with their invaluable suggestions like martyhill and dirtrider.


Happy Christmas/Hanukkah and New Year to everybody!


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Thanks to all the mods and also the people with the friendly advice. I'd also like to say a special thank you to whoever it was that instituted the 'No Politics' rule. Makes it so much nicer to be able to read a discussion without all the crap and vitriol. I've got Facebook if I want that.


Happy Holidays! See you on the road!

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Nice n Easy Rider

Thank you to all the administrators and to all the posters who combine to make this site the success it is. It really is a 'family' here - one that comes together in emergencies to help, in grief to console, in good times to share, and in jest to make sure we don't take ourselves too seriously.


To all of my BMWST family, make your holidays be filled with cheer and may your travels in the coming year be safe and filled with fun and adventure.

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Thank you to all the people that have made and still make this site a wonderful place to come too.

Your all very special and have made me a better person.

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Thanks to all you folks who keep this place running. I think I'd be lost without it. Thanks to the rest of you folks who tolerate (mostly :grin: ) my senseless humor. :wave:

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A heartfelt thank you to all, because it is you who make this place so darn special. Thank you to FB and all the Mod's, past and present. I have benefited from the technical know how, and some of us have been on the receiving end of helping hands when the road was hard on us. But most of all it's the camaraderie we share that brings me back. I know that the friendships I've made here will last my lifetime. What a niche we've carved out in space.


Merry Christmas to you and yours :)


HUG and a WOOF







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Admins work tirelessly, behind the scenes, rarely thanked. Great job by all!


Since becoming initiated into the brotherhood of the boxer in early 2008, I have learned a lot here, so thanks also to others for sharing their knowledge. Collectively, there is a lot of lore at BMWST.


For 2014, I'm thinking of a 2-up ride along the Natchez Trace, something I've just never gotten round to, but there is still time to make amends.

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