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Credit card fraud

Alan D

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On the 15th of December I downloaded my Visa statement and see a Walmart.com charge I did not make. I called Visa and tell them it is not my charge. They said they will investigate. I then call Walmart, tell them I’m 99.9% sure it is not my charge, what is the item. Walmart says a Playschool village is being shipped to a local store for pickup and the rest of the order has been shipped to a house in Virginia. I ask “Is this just a mistake or some funny business.?” Walmart says definitely fraud and gives me the name of the guy and the address in Virgina. Walmart says they will handle the person that tries to pick up the order near me.

Then he says “Are you going to press charges?”

I answer “Don’t you do that?”

He says” I can’t USE this information, but I can give it to you.”

“How would I do that? I ask

He tells me to go to my local police department, give them the details and they will contact Virginia and take care of it

I would like to stop this credit card fraud business, but it seems to me this is a problem for Visa and Walmart to deal with. To me this is like writing a bad check to Walmart or shoplifting.

Any thoughts?


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Since it is a charge against your card, it seems you (As the victim) need to be willing to file the charge against the perpetrator. Though they may lose money, neither Wallyworld or the credit card company are the "Victims".


If I were in your situation, I would follow through and file charges. I doubt, given the state of our justice system, that you will ever have to go to court.

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Be cautions. monitor your credit card or close the account.

Once your credit card number is compromised, scammers often test it on walmart.com or other online magazine subscription site to test it out with a small charge and if it goes they move onto other web order and go to often much larger purchases.


It has happened twice to my creditcards, both were citibank credit cards.

One of it I only gave to TEXTAG toll road authority, to use to refill my toll tag account automatically. This credit card was new and it never left my house or was used for anything else.


It credit card number still somehow ended up in the hands of a thief.

At first a small walmart.com charge , then a whole slew of other charges including large computer component orders hard drives motherboards and so on, along with a bunch of other junk orders from the internet.

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Joe Frickin' Friday
Since it is a charge against your card, it seems you (As the victim) need to be willing to file the charge against the perpetrator.


Yes. My card was compromised about 18 months ago. I never dealt directly with any merchant where a fraudulent purchase was made; AmEx were the ones who asked me to file a police report.


Be cautions. monitor your credit card or close the account.


Yes, this card should be cancelled and a new one issued by the bank. In fact, this should have been automatic as soon as the fraud was reported to the bank.

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Welcome to my Christmas day present from 2009. We gave each of our daughters our credit card to use in an emergency while in college. A friend of a friend happened to go in my daughter's purse and get the cc number, along with her military dependant ID card which had my SSN. His roomate found a piece of paper with all that on it and called my daughter that Christmas day. Thank the Lord for that call. The card was used to pay off the kids DUI! What a fool. Long story short is that we driove up to Birmingham and made a police report. The police would do nothing considering the other crimes like murder, etc. were their real priority and were very honest about it. They asked if I wanted to go pay the kid a visit with a smile of course then advised againts that as well. The bank took care of everything for us.


Some people just suck!

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Due to monetary loss, Wal-Mart or Visa is the victim, not the OP.

Inconvenience is the only loss for the OP.

Investigating LEO agency is where the fraud occurred not where the loss is delivered.

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Seems the exact opposite of the system her in the UK.

A few years ago some lowlife got hold of my credit card number, and

managed to order a new card shipped to an address they had access to, 250 miles away.

I noticed when I came to check the bill for payment and found a £5000 payment for a Rolex !!

Followed the next month by another payment for £4500 for another watch....which only came

to light after making my initial complaint to Visa.


Visa could not legally give any details of the shipping address used, but merely needed me to sign

a statement certifying the purchases as not made by me.


All were refunded without any arguments.


Whatever other (if any) enquiries or actions Visa undertook, I was not party to, but cannot fault their UK refund process.

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I've been frauded and the only info the card company provided was the place of purchase or use and the item.

Under no circumstances would they provide name, address, etc of the perp.


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I've been frauded and the only info the card company provided was the place of purchase or use and the item.

Under no circumstances would they provide name, address, etc of the perp.

A concern of mine was if I reported the name Walmart gave me, what would happen to me if that turned out to be an innocent neighbor that the perp was using as a shipping point. Maybe that's why Walmart could not use the name.

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"Due to monetary loss, Wal-Mart or Visa is the victim, not the OP.

Inconvenience is the only loss for the OP.

Investigating LEO agency is where the fraud occurred not where the loss is delivered."



That is logical to me and why I wondered why they wanted me to chase it.

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