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1/3 scale B-17 - they plan to fly it one day


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Remarkable! What a beautiful rendition of a beautiful airplane.


Kinda having mixed feelings: I'm glad the thing can fly, but I really hope it never crashes.

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There is a full size B-17, Sentimental Journey, that spends the winter about 3 miles from here. It's one of a handfull still flying. We are in the flight path and I run outside like a kid whenever I hear it coming. I'll find some pictures I've taken and post them.

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It's one of a handfull still flying. We are in the flight path and I run outside like a kid whenever I hear it coming. I'll find some pictures I've taken and post them.


Had a small airport a couple of miles from my house (golf course now :mad:) and I always ran out when something interesting flew over. Matter of fact I still do it, just not as often. :(


Ah, there she was.




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Joe Frickin' Friday
There is a full size B-17, Sentimental Journey, that spends the winter about 3 miles from here. It's one of a handfull still flying. We are in the flight path and I run outside like a kid whenever I hear it coming. I'll find some pictures I've taken and post them.


The Yankee Lady is based in Ypsilanti, right next door to Ann Arbor. Several times a summer I hear (a very distinctive sound!) and see it cruising over my house. Cool stuff.


If you've got $425 burning a hole in your pocket, you can book a ride on it.

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The Yankee Lady is based in Ypsilanti, right next door to Ann Arbor. Several times a summer I hear (a very distinctive sound!) and see it cruising over my house. Cool stuff.


If you've got $425 burning a hole in your pocket, you can book a ride on it.


Back in June I was with my brother on my 'Reintroduction to Motorcycling' trip. We started in Ft Wayne and headed toward Lake Michigan. As we pulled into Benton Harbor I looked up and, much to my surprise, saw Sentimental Journey on final approach. It's based here in Mesa, but they take her on tour in the warmer months. You can ride her also, same price or for $850 you can ride in the nose.


Down at the Tucson Air and Space Museum there is a 'sub-museum' for B-17s. They've gone so far as to log every flight for every plane, who the crew was, were they shot down and if so what happened to them. My stepdad asked about someone he knew that had flown on them, and in about 10 minutes they had all the info on him and his plane.

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I always admire RC pilots. I am told it is way more difficult to fly from the ground than it is from a cockpit.

For some pilots who lost their medicals, this is a great challenge.

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This is not an R/C aircraft. It is a single place experimental (live pilot onboard) airplane.

oops, my bad...I saw 1/3 scale and thought RC.

Live pilot could be a bad omen though.

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A couple of years ago, I was driving up I-5 just south of Boeing Field and heard a roaring overhead. Looked up and saw "Sentimental Journey" right overhead, headed for a landing at the field. Man, did my heart sing! I rode over to the field and hung out, taking photos and schmoozing with the folks there.

There's no airplane that recall the courage and glory of air combat the way that a B-17, an F4-U Corsair, or a Spitfire gives me. They are the real thoroughbreds

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