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Wait for the Amazon Google Merger...


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You are opening a can of worm in here.

Google will be Cyberdyne corp = skynet one day; one of the biggest government contractor.

They are on top in online search, cloud computing, software, and online advertising technologies.

Not to mention: Youtube, google glass, google fiber ( superhighspeed internet), their autonomous cars, buying into renewable energy, building huge data centers in Asia, their online and mobile mapping services, Google earth... ohh my!


here is some interesting reading about their



It is often said that google knows more about you then you do.


So gathering up some engineering firms in robotics could not hurt, right? Just a robot here, a robot there, a robot everywhere. :)

Job titles like: cashier, bank teller, delivery man, taxi driver, mail man... will be all but forgotten.


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You are opening a can of worm in here.

Google will be Cyberdyne corp = skynet one day; one of the biggest government contractor.

They are on top in online search, cloud computing, software, and online advertising technologies.

Not to mention: Youtube, google glass, google fiber ( superhighspeed internet), their autonomous cars, buying into renewable energy, building huge data centers in Asia, their online and mobile mapping services, Google earth... ohh my!


here is some interesting reading about their



It is often said that google knows more about you then you do.


So gathering up some engineering firms in robotics could not hurt, right? Just a robot here, a robot there, a robot everywhere. :)

Job titles like: cashier, bank teller, delivery man, taxi driver, mail man... will be all but forgotten.


Along with doctor, lawyer, engineer and accountant. With advanced logic and the ability to stay current with all the innovations, the robots will be coming for the white collar jobs before too long.

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Job titles like: cashier, bank teller, delivery man, taxi driver, mail man... will be all but forgotten.


Do banks still have tellers? How quaint. I guess I did go into a bank about two years ago to open a business account, but my main personal bank's nearest branch is in Texas; sometimes I stop by a nearby branch of another bank to get cash, but everything else happens online, and mostly from my smartphone.

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So true... very few people still write checks, dealing with cash is on its way out as well.

As crazy as it sounds, I rarely ever deal with cash anymore.

So as you said the buildings that the banks occupy today will soon be leased/sold to as fast food drive-thru. :)

Bank loans and other services will be conducted from the comfort of your home.

A Local bank here does the opening of new loans and account from a private small room at the bank via a computer screen and webcam, still live person on the other end but many miles away.


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Remember IBM's computer that played Jeopardy? Seems as though Big Blue is using it for medical advancement. Superbrain reads all of the newest medical docs and if Doctor's have a problem, they post the info to this computer. It does not diagnose, but it delivers to the Doctor the six most relevant and current articles based on the symptoms. The Doc only has to read six articles (at first) to get informed on the newest breakthroughs.

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