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Very Short Notice Sunday SoCal Ride


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I know I usually plan these things for a Friday, but it just couldn't happen this time. The weather should be good tomorrow with some Santa Ana winds expected to be in the 10-18mph range through out the route. I will be meeting Jose 9am at Mandeville Cyn Rd and Westridge Rd where there is a widening of the road on the west side just north of Westridge. From there the the plan is this:


head out pch> Latigo > Kanan > Mulholland> 23>126>150>Ojai>33>Possible lunch>Cerro Noroeste>Frazier Park>Peace Valley Rd>Gorman Post Rd>138>Old Ridge Rt >Pine Cyn Rd>Elizabeth Lake Rd>14>Angeles Forest Hwy>ACH>La Cañada Flintridge the end.


There will be Santa Ana conditions, but a check of the weather sites found Sun will be in the teens as far a wind/mph is concerned. Pine Mt Club will be 54º-41º today and 59º-45º tomorrow. It hasn't snowed in several days and no recent freezing temps, so ice shouldn't be a factor. I have headed up Cerro Noroeste before this time of year and the chain sign has been turned to be read, but I went through anyway and didn't have any problems aside from water draining off the road, and sand in spots.


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John. Do you have a basic time you will be at the 23/126 intersection in Fillmore? I and Haken might be able to meet you and Jose.Please remember, it's not 70 degrees out there,Haken can take it (from Sweden) me,born and raised in So. Ca. check your PM.

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Im meeting Jose and maybe Larry and maybe Carl at 9am at mandeville and westridge hooking up with Frank and Hakan at 126 and 23 about 11ish hopefully


one of my headlight bulbs just blew ):

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In at 5:15. Nice to see all you guys again. Boy was Latigo Cyn a treat. I hope the guy that dumped the Harley made it home ok. Pics later.


Get better soon Frank.

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A great way to spend a Sunday, short notice or not, jut wish we would of had a couple of hours more of daylight to do Elizabeth Road, Angeles forest, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So without pics it didn't happen, so…


We road down PCH to get to Latigo



Here you can see Latigo winding it's way up the hill



One of Latigo's many curves



Four Channel Islands were visible: Catalina, San Clemente, Santa Barbara, and San Nicolas. Here are the latter two visible on the horizon



Here we have the Grimes Cyn section of 23





And a stop at the fire station on 33 before heading up into Frazier Park. A slight disclaimer: Some of these pics were not taken on the day of the ride due to me trying to catch up with my buddies and not having time to stop for pics, but every care was taken to ensure that the conditions were the same as the day of the ride, warm breezy and clear! Oh, btw, it was 81º here in LA today, Merry Xmas!!


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John! Nice Pictures of my Playground... :wave:

Hey John, thanks for sharing those pics of my former playground (Hi Norm :grin: ). No time yet to explore by moto my current turf in the AZ mtns, but the terrain here and options on where to ride are quite a bit different than the Calif coast...

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