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Austin Tech Day - Saturday, 2/8/2014


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Come one and come all. This is your chance to learn how to work on your R or K bike or help someone else learn the basics.


The garage opens at 8:00 on Saturday morning and we will stay open until we run out of things to do. Breakfast and lunch are provided.


One of my best tech coaches now lives in UT (Ed). If you are interested in helping out as a coach, please drop me a pm.


From the first tech day we hosted back in 2003.




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Obviously way too early to know, but I do know that by February I'll be more than ready to take a long ride. I've checked out the early February averages along the most southern route, and it looks doable. It will be 100% contingent on the weather forecast, but it is on my calendar.


For anyone who hasn't attended one of Limecreek's Tech Days, they are a great opportunity to learn about your bike, and maintenance procedures in general. Even if you do not need to do anything to your bike at that time, the knowledge you'll gain from watching and hopefully participating will come in handy when you decide to tackle your own project. Aside from the learning aspect, you'll have a good time hanging out with some nice people. Mark Goodrich being the obvious exception. :lurk:

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For anyone who hasn't attended ... Aside from the learning aspect, you'll have a good time hanging out with some nice people. Mark Goodrich being the obvious exception. :lurk:


I love the way that just rolls of your tongue so smoothly, with nary a hitch. That little sparkle in your eye tells the tale though.

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Greg, I'm hoping to make it, it's only about 3 tanks of gas to me!


Matt - this will be a good time to meet your future riding partners and begin long mourning process of leaving FL for TX.

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Steven - it was good to see you on Saturday at LSBMW. I hope you can make it down in FEB - I have a feeling this may turn out to be a reunion of sorts.


By the way, for out out of town travelers, Sandi said we have one open bed and a few open spaces upstairs if you need to spend the night. PM me if you need a spot.



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Wish it were closer. :wave:


Marty - distance is a lame excuse. Get your butt out here.


After reading this, I thought maybe...till I remembered I would be in key west during that weekend on the GS. I do miss all the texas hill country ride weekends we used to have.

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Greg, I'm hoping to make it, it's only about 3 tanks of gas to me!


Matt - this will be a good time to meet your future riding partners and begin long mourning process of leaving FL for TX.

Yessir, a fine plan. especially if we don't get connected on NYE and after. I think I have to attend a music school audition that weekend here, but not sure just yet.

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Hey Limecreek (or anyone) - I keep seeing Wrench days stated but know little about them. Can you provide an overview of how one is conducted and what is accomplished? I know the statement is, "cover the basics" but what one considers the basics another could consider advanced. Obviously I am not traveling from NC to attend, just wanted more info.

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Hey Limecreek (or anyone) - I keep seeing Wrench days stated but know little about them. Can you provide an overview of how one is conducted and what is accomplished? I know the statement is, "cover the basics" but what one considers the basics another could consider advanced. Obviously I am not traveling from NC to attend, just wanted more info.


I'm going to try and make it from FL... You should come down.


This may give you some insight...

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At tech days I've attended I've seen everything from oil changes to bikes taken apart in order to pull trannys or drive shafts. SOCAL seems to go further!

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Hi Greg,


On the calendar & looking forward to it!


If I need to bring anything let me know.





Hi Mike!!!


Long time no see!! :wave:

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Hey Limecreek (or anyone) - I keep seeing Wrench days stated but know little about them. Can you provide an overview of how one is conducted and what is accomplished? I know the statement is, "cover the basics" but what one considers the basics another could consider advanced. Obviously I am not traveling from NC to attend, just wanted more info.


Over the years, much of what we've covered revolves around basic maintenance - 6k, 12K and annual services.


Beyond that we've replaced tires, struts, drive shafts and botched up accessory wiring.


The tech day is all about learning in a controlled environment. We'd like you to leave with enough competency to perform basic maintenance on your own or at least know enough about it when the dealer services your bike.

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Count me in.


I may even be able to provide some coaching on the R bikes.


Dave - please extend the invitation to the Hill Country BMW group.

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Hi Greg,


On the calendar & looking forward to it!


If I need to bring anything let me know.


Sounds good Mike - see you in a couple of months.

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Count me in.


I may even be able to provide some coaching on the R bikes.


Dave - please extend the invitation to the Hill Country BMW group.


Greg, will do.

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Greg, please arrange to pick my bike up ahead of time, so you can do the Annual on it at the tech day. I'd like to get it back that afternoon. You know darn well there's no point in my being there.


Ed,I just read this thread. You hurt my feeling.

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"Hi Mike!!!


Long time no see!!





Hi Matt!


It has been a while. It'll be good to get together again. I still have pics from my last BRR. :)


Always a good time at a Limecreek tech day!


See you in February @ Greg's.

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Greg, some of us haven't been to your place since you moved. Are you going to provide the new address?


We are no longer in Twin Creeks and have moved to:


3013 Rabbits Tail Drive

Leander, TX


We are off Ronald Regan - approximately 3 miles north of 1431 in a new neighbor hood called Sarita Valley.

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Dave - please extend the invitation to the Hill Country BMW group.


Greg, I don't have a head count but a few of the Hill Country BMW Riders have expressed interest.

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Guys - it is time to let me know what you'd like to accomplish during the tech day. If this is your first time attempting to service your bike and you'd like some coaching on what you need to bring with you, then send me a PM or give me a call at 512-419-8309.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be in Steiner by noon on the 7th, looking forward to meeting all y'all so I can get the best info on who has the best doughnuts, best kolaches, best brisket, etc.


You know, the important details I'll need to know to emigrate to TX.

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I'll be in Steiner by noon on the 7th, looking forward to meeting all y'all so I can get the best info on who has the best doughnuts, best kolaches, best brisket, etc.


You know, the important details I'll need to know to emigrate to TX.


Take your green card or passport. :rofl:

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I'll be in Steiner by noon on the 7th, looking forward to meeting all y'all so I can get the best info on who has the best doughnuts, best kolaches, best brisket, etc.


You know, the important details I'll need to know to emigrate to TX.


Take your green card or passport. :rofl:


I'm still hoping Whip will sponsor me...

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There's GONNA BE A RAFFLE!!!!!!!


I'm bringing some necessary boxer maintenance items to raffle off at the tech day. Proceeds will go to the Austin Food Bank, unless I forget to turn them over, in which case no one will ever know.


For sure there will be: Von Baden's maintenance DVD, a set of valve adjustment feeler gauges, special spark plug socket, a couple of Parnes spark plug wire pullers, and whatever else I can find in my box o' boxer stuff. Oh, and a broken Twinmax. Buckster borrowed it a couple, three years ago and busted it, claimed it didn't work when he got it.

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I'll be in Steiner by noon on the 7th, looking forward to meeting all y'all so I can get the best info on who has the best doughnuts, best kolaches, best brisket, etc.


You know, the important details I'll need to know to emigrate to TX.


Take your green card or passport. :rofl:


I'm still hoping Whip will sponsor me...



Have you been to the Alamo?



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Have you been to the Alamo?


Yessir, although this is the only picture I can find handy that I took at the plaza.




Must be an old one. Back in the day of B/W digital photography.

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As the chairman of the Whip Birthers, I say he is not authorized to sponsor any immigrant to Texas. Hell, he doesn't even support the Cowboys! Detroit Lions, my a$$.


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I'll be in Steiner by noon on the 7th, looking forward to meeting all y'all so I can get the best info on who has the best doughnuts, best kolaches, best brisket, etc.


You know, the important details I'll need to know to emigrate to TX.


Take your green card or passport. :rofl:


I'm still hoping Whip will sponsor me...



Have you been to the Alamo?



If you let him in, where will it stop? :grin:

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Yeeha! Stephen

Sorry, sorry, sorry... I'm out.


Had a little skin cancer surgery that was a bit more invasive than they originally told me. Now I can't keep my helmet on for more than a few minutes. Rats!


See ya'll soon I hope.




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Sorry, sorry, sorry... I'm out.


Had a little skin cancer surgery that was a bit more invasive than they originally told me. Now I can't keep my helmet on for more than a few minutes. Rats!


See ya'll soon I hope.




Sorry to hear about the skin cancer. I've had a few of those too and they are not fun. Heal up and we'll see you next time.

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