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planning a trip out west (west texas, new mexico, arizona) in sept. 2014


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can anyone suggest stuff to see? planning maybe 7-10 days out there possibly 2 weeks all on the bikes (3-4 riders going). Any assistance would be much appreciated.



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That's a lot of territory to consider, and a lot of the things there are quite a ways away from other things there. It generally comes down to what you want to see/do. Since you're from NJ, you might want to consider the northern parts of those states. You could go to the four corners area and visit Durango, CO or Flagstaff, AZ. Got to Winslow, AZ and stand on "the corner" from that Eagles song. You get the picture.


I tried to plan on stuff to see on my way back from my 50CC trip and I managed to only plan a couple of these as they would have begun to add days each way to my trip.


In AZ I saw

1. Pima Air Museum in Tuscon

a. I wish I had also done the tour to Davis Monthan to see the big aircraft boneyard there.

2. I saw Tombstone

a. I am glad I didn't spend the $$ to go into it, it's pretty kitchy and touristy, and that didn't appeal to me.

3. I stayed in a small hotel in Bisby called the Copper Queen, right near the open copper mine. Neat, old (1920s era) hotel, cool bar and restaurant on premises.

4. I rode hwy 80 coming east from Bisby and saw the Geronimo Captured monument. Two lanes of nothing, although in places you can see the border fence with Mexico.


New Mexio

1. Sante Fe is really a cool town to visit, Taos is too. They're a good ways apart though and unfortunately I've only driven in that area so I don't know about the riding there.

2. Anasazi ruins, not far from ABQ, cool to see.


West TX

1. I went to Luckenbach and Whip's house. Other than that, I rode across the state twice without seeing too much of it.

2. The TX panhandle is pretty as you leave NM, lots of amazing grassland and the largest freight trains I've ever seen too. Not the most exciting place to ride, but more interesting than KS.

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We found El Morro National Monument interesting in New Mexico. Also Gila Cliff dwellings, and you would enjoy the ride in from Silver City. We went through Zuni as well, but it was all closed up on that day. I think it would be interesting if open. Taos is nice, walk around the town square area. Chaco is worthy but access is on dirt and last time we went blowing sand made it a treacherous ride.


In AZ we like Chiricahua National Monument, also a nice ride in. In the Tucson area the east unit of Saguaro National Park, Sabino Canyon, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, and Mission San Xavier del Bac. Ajo and Organ Pipe Cactus NM are also interesting, but Organ Pipe is mostly GS roads... not much paved ( I did ride an RT through it, but I wouldn't do it again).


Up north the area around Jerome and Sedona is certainly worth your attention. Aside from the towns themselves, any number of national monuments. We like Sunset Crater and Wupatki. There is of course the Grand Canyon. Also Canyon De Chelly, Monument Valley (technically Utah), and Antelope Canyon. Plan on paying a guide and taking a tour at these Indian run locations.

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It sounds as if you want to stay south, but consider going north into colorado/utah, perhaps the north rim of the Grand Canyon. Utah and western CO have some of the best western riding, IMO. Just by linking the national parks, you will see awesome country and ride great empty roads.

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there's just not alot to see in the west texas area.. unless you're going down to the davis mountains and big bend area...i'd say zip across texas on I20 or I10 and start in Carlsbad NM, the caverns are really worth seeing. then, either zip up 285 to Santa Fe, or take the scenic route through Cloudcroft and Ruidoso, with time a factor..you may want the direct route. some cool things to see around Santa Fe, then up around Taos and hiway 64 to the four corners area..lots to see there.. be sure to take in monument valley, work over to the grand canyon, many routes to explore in that region... like BMWfan says, southern utah and north rim are amazing, spend your time there..come home on hiway 160 across so. colorado, or down to 40 to zip home. no matter where you go, it will be a great trip!

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I'd have a hard time recommending until you get things a little more narrowed down.


-Do you want to primarily ride or stop and explore areas of interest?


-Will all the riders be prepared for cold weather riding? The temperatures at that time of the year can get quite cool especially at elevation.


-Are there any places that you already have in mind? The area in question is so vast that if you can provide some locations you definitely want to see it will help us give you better suggestions.

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Twisties' recommendation is spot on for catching Jerome and Sedona, very worthwhile. Also if you're close to Durango then Mesa Verde National Park (cliff dwellings) is close by to your west and doing the Million Dollar Hwy (550) on up to Ouray is one of the most spectacular roads in the country. If you haven't seen the Grand Canyon from the north rim it is amazing and then you're too close to Zion to not catch it as well. Ton's of good tent camping opportunities along the whole way.

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ok, thanks for the info...the trip is still sketchy at this point being its far out in time. May be 4 of us i think. So west texas is pretty much nothing to see...not sure why one of the riders wants to go there but he put that state in for some reason, let me find out...so really should be NM and AZ for sure....we may be starting in colorado (near denver) so that would definitely put us near rocky mountain area. Too many details LOL.

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If you can swing it, The Land of Enchantment BMW club has a really great rally the first weekend after Labor day every year at a little ski area near Taos called Sipapu. Tons of great riding in the area, always a good band Saturday with good food. good camping spots or stay at the ski area or down in Taos. I also am planning a two week trip for next year out of Florida but in the spring I think. If it was in the late Summer, I would definitely go that far so to include that rally. I've ridden around north texas, northern arkansas, eastern Oklahoma quite a bit along with northern New Mexico, Southern Colorado. Lots of good riding. Old route 66 makes the time through OK nice along with the second oldest road through that area, 64.

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Dont forget our Fall Torrey get together.

Think the dates are Sept 26-28,2014.


Come meet all the folks behind those Avatars,catch the fall colors and get in some great riding in Utah!

On your way there or back can explore more of the Southwest.



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Near Gardner NM -


Capulin volcano ... take the back roads through Folsom to Rincon ... great high plains road loaded with blue birds and spectacular vistas ... Capulin is the largest cinder cone volcano in No America ... there is a road to the top.

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West Texas/Davis Mountains/Big Bend National Park.


For a beautiful ride : Davis Mountains Loop.

Stay at the Indian Lodge in the Davis Mountains State park and visit Fort Davis itself and/or the McDonald Observatory for a "Star Party".


Ride South on Hwy118 from I10 to Fort Davis. Then to Alpine and continue South to FM170, The River Road. Head West on FM170 to Fort Leaton then go to 59 and up to Marfa. Stay at the Paisano Hotel....


All great riding with scenic vista's and limited human contact :) !


Let me know what you want to do and see....I have it all to hand :thumbsup: !


God Bless Texas :clap:!







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Yeeha! Stephen

Here's a route we did in 2011 that was fulfilling for us Texicans... cuz' we got out of Texas quick and spent the extra time on roads we rarely see.




My Garmin Base Camp route is too big to attach but I can sent it to you if you're interested.


Vicki and I broke away from the group a couple of times and did the Gila Cliff Dwellings in NM and later the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.






Despite doing this as a "Riding" tour, we still managed to visit the Sunspot Hwy http://www.newmexico.org/sunspot-trail/

The White Sands Monument

Grand Canyon NP

Bryce Canyon NP

Zion NP

And visit Torrey UT "out of season" so to speak.

We even rushed through Arches NP and a half day at the Mesa Verde cliff dwellings before making it through Southern Colo and Northern NM.


The hotel we overnighted in Torrey was closed last time I went through there, so look out.


And... the group I went with left Dallas at 6 am to get to New Mexico the first night. Vicki and I left if the middle of the night to beat the heat and to spend the day alien hunting in Roswell.


Good luck, sound like fun to me!


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