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There's usually great viewing from Lime Kiln Park on San Juan Island when the pods are moving through for anyone that's interested. It was nice to see the calves in the pod, I hope they make it. The "woohoos" were a bit tiresome.

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There's usually great viewing from Lime Kiln Park on San Juan Island when the pods are moving through for anyone that's interested. It was nice to see the calves in the pod, I hope they make it. The "woohoos" were a bit tiresome.


Crazy thing is the Orcas probably heard them and is why they were kinda playing around!! When I was in the navy we would regularly have dolphins playing next to the ship underway. The more we hooped and hollered the more they would play next to the ship! It was a great distraction for a few minutes while out for many weeks on end



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At around minute 3:25 you see a man's head close to the waterline which gives you a good size comparison, these guys were about 25-30 foot long. About the same size that chowhed on the trainer at Seaworld :P


These guys are also very smart and work in unison when hunting seals. Discovery channel had a nice documentary showing how they swim synchronized (flipping their flipper at the same time) to create a large wave action to break up flat floating surface ice on which the seal rests on. trying to nudge the seal off of it. they keep working the seal until it gets dead tired then they slowly pull it off the ice.

It is nice to watch them but they are vicious killers, hence the name killer whale.

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