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BMW ON - Moshe Levy Ride Report


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If you have not see/read our BMWST member, Moshe's article in the December BMW Owners News, "Adventures Suck When You're Having Them" - you need to get a copy. It is very well done!

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yup I know, it just seemed they were serving the same ol' biscuit month after month is all. Better? Probably should re-up. :)



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Yup I know, it just seemed they were serving the same ol' biscuit month after month is all. Better? Probably should re-up. :)




The ON has changed a lot since I joined 8 years ago. It's not everybody's cup of tea. But I find it interesting, for the most part. Still depends a lot on member contribution for content. They have a proofreader now to catch most of the typos etc.


And, as the MOA Chartered Club Liaison for two years, I got to meet a lot of great people who are having a lot of fun with their fellow Chartered Club members.


BMWST is kind of the anti-club, or perhaps non-club would be a better description. But as you know, because of this forum, strong friendships have been created and continue even though we don't see each other often.


I like living in both worlds. :thumbsup:

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I'm still a member and get ON. I think Bud has a point, two different approaches to the same end goal. I have enjoyed reading the ON over the years. Granted, some months are better than others concerning the content. Occasionaly I feel like there are a lot of ads and not so much content. So, on the whole I've enjoyed the magazine. I have asked myself a few times if my membership is worth the cost since the only benefit of membership I seem to take advantage of is the magazine...oh, and the sticker ;)


The issue that came out was cool to see Moshe's story. I didn't pay attention to the author's name until I started reading and said, "Hey this story sounds familiar" When I looked back up to the top of the page I realized I had already been a part of the story through the board. I've never met Moshe in person but through posts and messages on hear its still fun to see a "friend" get published. Good writing Moshe, hope to see more in the future. Of course, maybe of less dramatic circumstances for your sake.

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Thank you all for the kind words. I've got more stuff in the hopper for ON but it's all product review stuff, not so much ride tales. Alas, with 3 small kids, my "tales" are few and far between!


FYI Vince Winkel, the editor, was let go recently. So big changes in the works, and I hope those in charge can keep the momentum Vince had going, or improve on it. Prior to Vince the editing was, shall we say, totally and utterly lacking. (I'm trying diplomacy for a change. ;) )


This particular article was published almost totally untouched. Some of my more colorful language was removed, but I expected that. And of course I couldn't tell the whole truth about what I saw down there re my saviors who helped me escape, which included tweaked out meth-heads, people with swastika tats on their necks, 14 year old moms, and other assorted characters. I knew they wouldn't publish what I REALLY saw, so I left it to the readers - especially those who know my personality - to read between the lines. It really WAS a scary thing.


Adventures Suck



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MKL-- Very good writing. I like the way you injected humor to maintain your sanity!!


Your next day ride should be free of setbacks..Ride safe

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Moshe, So glad you posted the link to your adventure. Browsing in a hurry as usual, I had missed the opportunity to read. I know of what you speak about articles and those darn editors! Anyway glad you made it back to the urban jungle and enjoyed the read & photos. :thumbsup: I'll have to share my article that led to my tongue in cheek avitar one of these days.


PS. I forgot to mention I approve of that Italian designer brand bike shirt you were wearing. I have several myself!

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