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'06 R1200RT combination switch failure


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Kiaora/hello from New Zealand!


Today my '06 R12RT threw a spanner in the works with my second combination switch failure.


A couple of months ago, the left indicator switch failed, however cannibilising the redundant hazard light switch and posi-locking it in place of the failed indicator switch worked. Each morning, I smile at the first left turn when the indicator still flashes.


On Monday, the right indicator switch failed for a while... It's working again, but I know that won't last long.


So it's time to replace both combination switches with new OEM parts so I can make best use of BMW's two-year parts warranty.


My question - where is the least expensive place in the US, UK or Germany to get these from? While they sit around USD285 at MaxBMWMotorcycles.com, New Zealanders get stung with NZD495 (about USD405 at today's exchange rate) plus having to wait 6-8 weeks for the parts to be shipped from Germany. You think it's expensive owning a BMW bike in the US - try owning one Down Under!


Any help is greatly appreciated!



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Max BMW prices are typical for dealer parts, you probably will not find much difference elsewhere. Switch failures are fairly rare on this era RT. Perhaps Beemer Boneyard (or your Down Under equivalent) can help with good used parts.

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Max BMW prices are typical for dealer parts, you probably will not find much difference elsewhere. Switch failures are fairly rare on this era RT. Perhaps Beemer Boneyard (or your Down Under equivalent) can help with good used parts.


Thanks, Larry. With relatively few 05-09 R12RTs around NZ, used parts are few and far between. Beemerboneyard don't have any in stock at the moment, so it looks like I'll be hitting up Max BMW for some nice, new combo switches. At least then I'll have some spares for when these fail.


And re the rare failures for this era, when I pulled the switches apart, the rubber switch boots fell out in pieces - no wonder the switches have started to fail! Some bulb grease worked for a while, but even that's been beaten...

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"Rare" - not on my '06 RT :-D


Replaced three indicator switches on mine, and now the headlamp flash has failed.


Did find a replacement component to change out the microswitch after mush trawling on the web, not that pretty though as it's not perfect. Last time I re-used the hazard switch like you.

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