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Did you do Black Friday yesterday?


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Nope, not yet. I'm still riding, treating what is left of the clutch very gently. It won't slip if I don't do WOT.

Just put my $299 HF motorcycle lift together. Now collecting best deal on parts, probably from BeemerBoneyard.

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Joe Frickin' Friday

Black Friday? I try not to venture out in public. Worked the Mojo, changed the oil in my car, watched Man Of Steel. It was a good day, despite not scoring any bargains: I did not get shot, trampled, punched, shoved, or otherwise abused by the giant crowds of greedy consumers.

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Depends on what ya mean...

For me, "doing Black Friday" means going for a ride. A fairly substantial ride.

Yesterday it was raining (snowing where I wanted to go), so I did my black friday today!

It was NICE! :grin:

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Danny caddyshack Noonan

We went. No big lines. No big crowds. Loud.

Folsom Shooting Club. Miles and miles to the nearest mall.....much less stores. Oh, did buy projectiles at the range shop though.

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Seems unbelievable to me at times but then a lot of things do. The older I get the more cynical I get.

Preaching to the choir. Cops get cynical very early in their career. Everything in life aappears bad or suspicious until proven otherwise.

Am I judgmental? Na..

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Black Friday? I try not to venture out in public. Worked the Mojo, changed the oil in my car, watched Man Of Steel. It was a good day, despite not scoring any bargains: I did not get shot, trampled, punched, shoved, or otherwise abused by the giant crowds of greedy consumers.


It's rather ironic that your Thanksgiving is/was followed by Black Friday.

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Only to buy some kitty litter. Nobody had anything on sale that remotely interested me. By 2:00 p.m., parking was easier than usual at Target. Apparently because so many big box stores opened at 8:00 on Thursday, Friday sales were down significantly from last year. Since we live near a fairly large Orthodox community, and Hannukah is here, lots of kids with yarmulkas prowling the toy aisles.

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Having a little experience with the people cops deal with a lot I completely understand the cynicism. I recently had my storage unit robbed by ... two drug using and producing, public housing, food stamp, unmarried parents of a small child, who have done stuff like this for over 6 years over and over and over. Even when confessing they lie.

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