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Fourm changes.


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Thanks Bud. It was done with a LOT of discussion beforehand. Months. We are fortunate in having a fantastic team of Admins who care about this board with a great passion and are unified in wanting it to grow and meet our members' needs.



Joe Frickin' Friday


Kathy R


Glenn Reed


beemerman2K (retired, but came back to help us with this latest effort)


They're all volunteers and the time they give to this place is donated in between work, spouses, family, parents, riding time and just plain life. We all live in different places, and we're never on the board at the same time. So change often requires time. But it also gives us ample opportunity to think and discuss, exchange ideas, even argue sometimes about what would make this place better for everyone. In the end we come together and decide. If you bump into them on the board, send them a PM and let them know you appreciate their efforts.


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Thanks, but just so y'all know, Fernando's been working his rear end off, devoting God-knows-how-many hours to it. It's not as simple as pushing a button or two. The forum software, like most, is clunky and it takes a lot of hands-on effort to effect any changes. We mods have been along for the ride, but Fernando's been working very, very, very hard to improve the site for all. We're all lucky to have him at the helm.

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