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Rattling cases


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Every bump gives small clunk-sounds and noticing the 3 cases don't close down to supports as firm as before,anyone fix these ? Everything looks sealed for life. 96 r1100 rt.

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They do tend to get loose after 90,000 miles. There are various ways to tighten it up but most involve some type of adhesive. All of my noise comes from the contact area between the case and the rack that supports it. A look at the area after taking the cases off shows wear has happened. I would guess contact cement and pieces of thin inner tube (bicycle) would take up any slack OK and help quiet it down too.

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Will try glue and bicycle tube pieces at those support areas. Thanks. Now I have to think about the small clunks coming from the front fairing area when hitting those bumps. This could be harder to figure out. Hall-vane replaced at 90,000 ,bike has been good so far. Synthetic oils too.

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